Term 3 in Level One

The Level One students have been working super hard this term to ensure they are practicing our school values of Determination, Pride and Success. Here is a snapshot of some of the fun and exciting things we have been doing in Term 3...
Along with the preps, in Week 5, we were lucky enough to be visited by the Bushwahzee entertainment company. Bushwahzee is based around the Bushwahzee Bush band that has been performing traditional bush dances in Melbourne since 1981. The students spent the day memorizing and practicing until perfection, ready to perform for their peers, family and friends at the evening concert.
Book Week
This week (Week 7) was Book Week and the Level One's had the most amazing time celebrating their favourite books, characters and authors. We gathered together on Wednesday to admire all of our peers costumes with some of us even winning 'Best Dressed' awards. Back in the classroom, the students became illustrators and redesigned the front cover of their favourite books.
Level One has been working so hard this term and should be extremely proud of their efforts, particularly when learning Division (Sharing).
The students have learnt how to share an amount equally between two or more groups and can now identify if there is a remainder. They can use the division sign correctly and have learnt to use it when recording the division number sentences. Well done Level One!