A note from Mr Jackson

Plans for 2024?


If you have plans around moving or shifting schools in 2024, please let us know as soon as possible. Our 2024 workforce plan is taking shape and is dependent upon school funding. This funding is determined by the number of students enrolled at the school. Your contribution in making sure our  student numbers are accurate for 2024 is helpful at insuring a smooth transition and has the most effective workforce plan to meet the needs of students. We are appreciative of conversations with parents, even if they are unsure about what the future might hold.


Book Week Dressup

Monday 21 August


This coming Monday, students are invited to celebrate the value of reading as they dress up as a book character. We are sure there will be a collection of characters from Hogwarts and even some superheroes! Parents too, are invited to join in the dress up in the afternoon during the character parade keep an eye on compass for specific times! The day will be another opportunity to celebrate the richness of literature and our passions for reading.


ICAS Students Challenge Themselves


On Monday, 30 students challenged themselves as they completed the English ICAS English assessment. This is the largest cohort of students Rosanna Primary School has seen participate in this assessment experience. They all agreed that there were some tricky questions and left knowing a little more about the world around them. The ICAS Science Assessment will take place on Monday next week, and the English Assessment will take place the week after. Well done on all those students who challenged themselves to do their best.


Sushi Orders for Tuesday


A quick reminder that parents can order sushi for this coming Tuesday. This is not a whole school fundraiser but simply a trial to expand our options for student lunches. The order can be placed on Qkr! but must be finalised today.


Footy Frenzy Day 

Wednesday 13 September


While we are deeply proud of the effort of the Matilda’s during the World Cup as they reached the semi finals, we are just as excited to see Sydney Swans claw into the top eight of the AFL! On Wednesday 13 September we will celebrate the season of finals football. We had planned to celebrate the festival the week before but decided to shift it to the final week of term. Students are encouraged to wear their football jumpers or colours and bring a gold coin to raise money for a JSC fundraiser. Orders for our Sausage Sizzle on the day will be circulated in the coming days. 


Swimming Program

Students in Year 1 and Year2


We are eager to finalise swimming arrangements for students in Years 1 and 2. These swimming lessons are subsidised by the Department of Education and daily visits to Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre are currently scheduled for the first week of term 4. We are hopeful to provide further information and costings in the coming week. 


Working Bee 

Saturday 19 August


We were excited to have so many hard workers at last term’s Working Bee. We invite you to participate on Saturday, 19 August for our third term cleanup. While there are many routine jobs to be done on the day, of particular focus will be efforts to construct the garden beds outside the 3/4 Learning Area and prepare sections of the embankment outside the Prep Area for planting. Your support goes a long way at insuring our yard is neat and tidy for all who visit. Don’t miss a favourite of the day, the barbecue at 12 noon! Bring along your gloves, shovel, pruners and working boots to join us for a fun morning between 9 am and 12 noon. We are particularly keen to shift some soil for the planter boxes, so if there are any wheelbarrows available, please bring them along.