Senior School

Upcoming Activities
Tuesday 29 August
Year 10 & Year 11 Mandarin students, Chinese Culture Day excursion to Melbourne Town Hall
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Wind Symphony
World Challenge Nepal Trivia Night, 6pm in the Senior Centre (Book your ticket here:
Wednesday 30 August
Year 12 Elevate Education, period 1
Year 10 Wellbeing Expo, period 1 S-Block
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Concert Band
Thursday 31 August
Intermediate Boys Soccer State Finals
Year 12 Art excursion
Short Story Award Luncheon, 12.45pm in the Library
Body Kind Month
Friday 1 September
VCE VM Volunteer Program - Manningham library, 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Monday 4 September
Senior Futsal Semi Finals, lunchtime at the Stadium
Tuesday 5 September
World Challenge Nepal Info session, 6pm
Thursday 7 September
Student Led Conferences, via MS Teams (remote all day)
Friday 8 September
VCE VM Volunteer Program - Manningham library, 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Monday 11 September
Senior Futsal Final, lunchtime at the Stadium
Tuesday 12 September
Senior Boys Basketball State Finals
International Student Forum - Student Voice program
String Soiree
Thursday 14 September
R U Ok Day
Friday 15 September
VCE VM Volunteer Program - Manningham library, 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Nepal Camp - Training Walk
Last day of Term 3
Monday 18 - Friday 22 September
Connect Education lectures
Monday 25 - Friday 29 September
Unit 3/4 Trial Exams
Elevate Education - The Finishing Line
Year 12s please check Compass to see which room you are in during period 1 on Wednesday 30th August for this important Elevate Education session on 'The Finishing Line'.
If you are a Business Management student who has class in period 1 and have not paid for Elevate then please attend class.
Connect Payments Reminder
A reminder that the Connect Payments for revision lectures for Unit 3/4 subjects are running in the first week of the school holidays must be paid by Thursday, September 8. Late payments will not be accepted under any circumstances.
This is a great opportunity for students to revise the year with an expert presenter and get a detailed booklet as part of the session. Check Compass for details about the event.
Unit 3/4 Trial Exams
We will be running written trial exams for all Unit 3/4 subjects during the second week of the school holidays. See Compass for the schedule. Higher educational research indicates that completing practice questions is the number one determining factor in enhancing performance efficacy.
Elly Stewart
VCE Excellence in Teaching and Learning Leading Teacher
NOTE: The Senior Centre is available for study for Senior School students until 4.45pm Monday-Thursday and closed after school on Fridays.