Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Tuesday 29 August
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Wind Symphony
World Challenge Nepal Trivia Night, 6pm in the Senior Centre (Book your ticket here: https://www.trybooking.com/CJIQW)
Wednesday 30 August
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Concert Band
Year 9 My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Year 9 MyFuture Box Hill Institute excursion
Year 9 MyCity Zoo excursion
Thursday 31 August
Intermediate Boys Soccer State Finals
Short Story Award Luncheon, 12.45pm in the Library
Body Kind Month
Friday 1 September
Victorian High Ability Program, selected Year 7 students
Thursday 7 September
Student Led Conferences, via MS Teams (remote all day)
Friday 8 September
Victorian High Ability Program, selected Year 7 students
Tuesday 12 September
International Student Forum - Student Voice program
String Soiree
Thursday 14 September
R U Ok Day
Friday 15 September
Last day of Term 3
Year 9 Camp
As mentioned by Ms Chiuchiarelli earlier this month, there will be a Year 9 Wilson's Prom camp in Term 4. We will have more details for you in the coming weeks but here are some photos of last year's Year 9 camp to get you excited!!