Student Engagement

What a huge success! Our SRC representatives Mitchell H, Kody, Jasmine, Lily, Zahra, Summer B, Harley and Lachy have worked super hard to ensure the session ran smoothly and did a fantastic job of hosting the event. We had a wide range of performances including singing, dancing, comedy, art, playing musical instruments and completing special tricks. Well done to all students involved, the whole school were very impressed!
It was a sea of colours on our Footy Day on Wednesday 13th September! We loved seeing all the different teams that students were representing to get us even more excited about the upcoming finals series. We even had hot dogs for lunch - what a win!
We have been focusing on student mental health in the final week of school, motivated by RU OK day on Thursday 14th of September. Our aim is to inspire and empower our students to meaningfully connect with those around them. This may be with kind gestures, a friendly conversation or working alongside someone they haven’t before. Each grade has completed a range of activities inside the classroom to ensure those in our community have a sense of belonging and know what to do if they are feeling flat. Furthermore, we are hoping to increase the confidence of our students to ask ‘are you okay?’ if they feel like someone needs help.