Senior School

5/6 JDZ & 5/6 JD

Can you believe it's the end of Term Three?! Where has the time gone?

We've had a wonderful term, both in the classroom and through other exciting events and celebrations. We are looking forward to finishing the year on a positive!

Enjoy a happy and safe holidays and hopefully some more sunshine!


We have wrapped up the term by completing a few different focuses in our various learning areas.

In Reading, we have been exploring text response skills, developing this through the use of comprehension tasks. In Writing, we completed good final copies of our Narratives. In Maths, we completed our short unit on Shape, investigation 3D shapes and their nets. In Geography, we finished online presentations for our focus country projects. And in Science, we completed posters for our research projects on our chosen geological events!



Our State Schools Spectacular performers put in an incredibly huge effort on the weekend just gone as they completed two days of Dress Rehearsals and two big performances on the Saturday! They were not only outstanding on the stage, but also behind the scenes! We honestly could not be any prouder of their efforts!


On Footy Day on Wednesday, we held our annual Staff vs Students football match. Everyone who participated, did so with great enthusiasm! In the end, our teachers prevailed by just 1 point! Better luck next time students.