Middle School

3/4 LP & 3/4 DA


And that's a wrap for Term 3! What a busy and productive term we've had. We have spent the last few weeks of the term consolidating our understanding of information reports in our Literacy sessions and division, multiplication, location and transformation in our Numeracy sessions.  We also finished off our Geography unit on the continents of Africa and South America and our Science unit on earth and space.


All students thoroughly enjoyed our very first OPS Has Talent showcase. We have some very talented performers in our midst! We enjoyed a fabulous turn out at our Father's Day breakfast and it was awesome to see everyone dressed up for our Book Week parade.

We finished off the term with Footy Colours Day and delicious hotdogs, followed by our excursion to ArtVo.


Well done to all our 3/4's for working so hard throughout the term. We hope you all have a relaxing, super awesome time over the holidays and look forward to seeing you refreshed and ready for Term 4 on Monday the 2nd of October!