Learning & Teaching News

OHR Mural

On Wednesday last week we had an exciting visit from contemporary Aboriginal Australian artist, Shanai Kellet. Shanai is an Aboriginal woman from Yorta Yorta Juru descent and has a business called Maloga Art. She is both a teacher and an inspiring artist who has recently collaborated with Carlton Football Club, Melbourne Storm as well as schools across Victoria. A connection with Shanai was made to bring to life an idea that stemmed from the learning of 3/4 students in 2022.


Last year, students in Year 3/4 were learning about vegetation across Australia as well as Indigenous plants in Victoria. Their inquiry led to planting out a garden bed with Indigenous plants as well as creating websites that explained the various plants. Further to this, the students were keen to lift the aesthetics of the space with a mural. This student voice has led to a connection with Shanai and a mural in the pipeline for the large brick wall in the playground area.


To find inspiration for the mural, Shanai met with the Prep-Year 5 students to share her story and brainstorm ideas that tell the story of OHR. The students were enthralled by her art and enthusiastic when sharing their ideas that answered the questions, ‘What makes OHR special?’, ‘What is OHR’s story?’, ‘What is important at OHR?’ . The Year 5’s were also fortunate to participate in an activity that explored Aboriginal symbols and how these could be used as part of the painting. Some of their ideas included; community, friendship, kindness, learning, Grow, Learn, Succeed, play, Catholic and fun.


We are looking forward to being a part of the artistic process and watching this mural come to life early in Term 1, 2024. If you have any ideas that answers any of the above questions and you would like to share it with Shanai please feel free to email me- phansen@ohrsurreyhills.catholic.edu.au


Penny Hansen

Mathematics Leader