Principal's News


Dear Parents & Parishioners,


Welcome to the last school newsletter for the year.


The Christmas Truce of 1914 is one of the most intriguing events that occurred during World War 1. In the midst of war and fighting, soldiers along the western front stopped fighting in an unofficial ceasefire on Christmas. 

The truce took place along the western front in France where the Germans were fighting both the British and the French.  Since it was an unofficial ceasefire, the truce differed along various points of the front.  In some parts, the soldiers continued to fight, but in many areas they ceased fighting and agreed to a temporary truce. 

Throughout the western front the soldiers behaved differently.  It very much depended upon what their local commander permitted.  In some areas, the soldiers just stopped fighting for the day.  In other areas they agreed to allow each other to recover their dead.  However, at some points along the front, it almost appeared as if the war was over.  Soldiers from each side met and talked to each other.  They exchanged gifts, shared food, sang Christmas carols, and even played soccer with one another.

In many areas the truce began when German troops began to light their candles and could be heard to sing Christmas carols in their trenches.  Soon British troops across the lines began to join in or sing their own carols.  Brave soldiers ventured into the area between the two lines, commonly referred to as “No Man’s Land”. Here they met with enemy soldiers to exchange gifts and souvenirs. 

Some of the generals and other members of the high command did not want the soldiers to engage in the unofficial truce.  Orders came down from the commanders on both sides that the soldiers should not fraternize or communicate with the enemy.  The generals were afraid that this would cause the soldiers to be less aggressive in future engagements.  In future years of the war, truces at Christmas were much more guarded and had basically ceased by 1917.

A Christmas Truce Memorial is located in Frelinghien, France.  Some of the songs sung by the soldiers during the truce included O Come All Ye Faithful, The First Noel, Auld Lang Syne, and While Shepherds Watched their Flocks at Night.

OHR Twlight Christmas Celebration 

In light of the poor weather that hit Melbourne last Thursday and Saturday, we were so fortunate to have perfect conditions for our Twlight Christmas Celebration on Friday night. My thanks to the PFA and all parents who got behind this event to ensure it was a wonderful night for our families and those who visited from the broader community.  The night had a great community feel, including a visit by Santa, the creation of balloon critters, a giant jumping castle,  face painting, and the exceptional barbeque which served up a range of offerings.

There was a great spirit about the night, and it proved to be a terrific way to celebrate the season of Advent. 

Thank You

On behalf of the staff I would like to acknowledge and thank all our parents for the many ways  in which you have contributed your time to the school this year.  Every single effort helps to build the sense and experience of community while sending the very strong message to your children that 'you value' the place in which they come every day to learn, grow and succeed.

Acknowledge the Past, Look Forward to the Future

This Monday evening we will celebrate the end of primary school for our Year 6 students with the annual Graduation Mass and Dinner.  Fr Brendan will be celbrating the mass and joining us for the dinner in the hall.

Countless hours of planning has gone into the Graduation Dinner and I thank the following team of mothers who have met on a variety of occasions  to prepare for this significant evening on the school calendar: Kelly Wong, Angela Southwood, Chelsea Moore and Mandy Dominello. There will be other Year 5 students’ parents who will be assisting throughout the day and during the evening and we thank them, in anticipation, for their time. 

The Graduation provides a great opportunity to celebrate the students’ years at OHR. Everyone present, including family members and staff, will have the opportunity to reflect and appreciate the events that have aided the formation of these students who are now preparing to embark on secondary school.

Congratulations to the following students who will officially graduate from OHR on Monday evening:

Otto C, Julian C, Hunter F, William G, Felix G, Ammiel H-K, Harriet J, Eleanor J, Ari K, Harrison K, Emma L, Saige M, Oliver R and Thomas W.

On Wednesday we also farewell the following students who will move to other schools:

Claudia & Rose C, Isla & Yvie H, Amalia R, Cyrus R and Lucas T.

As they conclude their time at OHR on Thursday, the children will take a small part of OHR with them to whichever school they attend, and my wish is that they will always remember the school that nurtured them and assisted them during their formative years to “Grow, Learn and Succeed”.

Student Leadership 2024

Leadership is about the art of motivating, influencing and directing people so that they work together to achieve the goals of a team or broader organisation.  It’s important for students to experience leadership opportunities during their schooling, to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities and achieving tasks effectively.  It also provides an opportunity to learn to identify and display effective communication and interpersonal skills. 

Some weeks ago our year 5 students, who will be the school leaders of 2024, had the opportunity to prepare and deliver speeches stating the qualities they possess that will qualify them to be a good leader.  The speeches were presented before their peers, year 5/6 teachers and myself.  The decision regarding final positions of leadership is, however, not solely focussed on the speeches.  As a staff, we have been observing the students for many years and carefully consider the roles to which they are most suited.  

I take great privilege in announcing the Year 6 Student Leaders for the 2024 school year:

School Captains

Poppy T and Art T


School Vice Captains

Matisse M, Hugo H and James G

RE/School Parliament Leader

Lianna K


The Arts/Library  Leaders

Lily G and Jot K

STEM Leader

Lars R


Student Wellbeing Leaders

Ava S and Alicia W

Clarke House Captains

Luca C and James N

Fraser House Captains

Betty J


Jackson House Captains

Nicholas D

Perkins House Captains

Thomas B and Ted S


Final Assembly & Pass the Light Ceremony

The tradition of the Pass the Light ceremony, where the leadership mantle is passed from the exiting Year 6’s to the current Year 5’s, will take place on Wednesday morning as part of our Final School Assembly at 8:50 am.  Everyone is warmly invited to attend.  

Note: There will not be an assembly on Monday.

The Last Hurrah at OHR is on Tonight!

The Last Hurrah offers the opportunity for parents to come together to farewell the parents of those children who will be leaving the school community at the end of this year.  This is a special night on the school calendar.  The evening will be held in the hall foyer and commence at 7.00pm.  All parents are welcome to attend.

A heartfelt thanks to Fiona and Damian Love for the prepartion that has gone into this evening.

Click on the button to view the invitation:

Please note that this is an event for adults.  Drinks will be provided.  You are welcome to bring a plate to share.

Reaching Out to New Families

If you would like to be a buddy family to a new family please complete a Google Form which can be accessed here.  We will then arrange to share your contact details (phone only) with that family. This will enable the new families to reach out to you should they have any questions over the summer and New Year. 

Twilight Working Bee

We smashed out the job of moving the classroom furniture in record time last night.  Many thanks to our band of parent helpers, inlcuding both mums and dads, who rolled up their sleeves.  The job was completed in the record time of 25 minutes!

Colour Fun Run Prizes are on the Way

The initial batch of OHR Colour Fun Run Prizes have arrived at school.  Linnea Reddie, Ange Southwood and some other parents will aim to distribute these tomorrow afternoon. 

2024 Parent Gatherings

Recently we invited families to open up their homes to host one of next year's Parent Gatherings, which are traditionally held during Term One.  Thank you to the following families for quickly responding to the invitation to host one of the evenings.

  • Prep - Yr 2 Parent Evening: 23 February 2024 at the Lewis' home
  • Yrs 3&4 Parent Evening: 1 March at __________________
  • Yrs 5 & 6 Parent Evening: 15 March 2024 at the Love's home 

We now only require one family to open up their home to host the Yrs 3 & 4 Parent Evening on 1 March 2024.

Final Day of the 2023 School Year

I would like to remind everyone that the last day of the school year for all students in years Prep – 6 will fall on Thursday 14 December, where the students will conclude at the regular time of 3.15pm

Commencement of the 2024 School Year

The following dates will assist families in planning for the commencement of the new school year:

  • School Staff Resume – Monday 29 January 2024
  • Students in Years 1 to 6 resume – 8.40am on Tuesday 30 January 2024
  • Students in Foundation (Prep) attend Individual Testing Interviews – Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 January 2024
  • All Foundation students commence school – 8.40am on Thursday 1 February 2024

Christmas Blessings

As the school year draws to a close, Fr Brendan and Fr Hoang, along with all the staff at Our Holy Redeemer would like to wish every family a Christmas season filled with joy and peace.  During this season of giving, please take the time to slow down and enjoy the simple things. May you embrace the spirit of Christmas that is Peace, the gladness of Christmas which is Hope, and the Heart of Christmas that is Love.

Farewell to those families who have been a part of our school community over the years; we will always hold you dear to our hearts.     


Peace and best wishes,

Frank Dame