Wellbeing News

Prepared by Sonya OBrien

This week we welcomed a group of educators from Yirrkala in Arnhem Land.

On the surface it does it may not look like our schools have much in common, but we do; We are both bi-lingual schools. At Yirrkala they deliver their learning to students in both their first language (Dhuwaya Yolŋu Matha) and English.

It was fantastic to share our bilingual journey with them and provide some insight into how we plan and deliver our curriculum in both Spanish and English. We learnt that both schools celebrate the same successes and face the similar challenges.

The link below to the following video will help you understand where our visitors come from.

Moving forward, both schools agreed that we have much to learn from each other and will be investigating ways we can do that. This will include the possibility of becoming sister schools. 

They gifted us a very special piece of artwork from their community, as well as a copy of the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar', which is written in Dhuwaya Yolnu Matha. which we hope to find a prominent place for in our new buildings and a copy of the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar' written in Dhuwaya Yolŋu Matha. 


External Providers at Newlands Primary School

Newlands Primary School recognises the valuable contribution made by external providers in supporting the wellbeing and learning of our students. They can support student learning and engagement by offering additional expertise and resources which the school may otherwise be unable to provide. 


Newlands Primary School recognises the obligation to: 

  • enable students to further their learning by complementing programs with experts and resources from outside the immediate school community.
  • establish protocols and procedures to effectively plan for, monitor and manage the use of external providers.
  • ensure that policies and procedures are in place to monitor attendance of students participating in courses provided by another provider.
  • ensure that policies and procedures are in place re supervision arrangements for students outside scheduled classes.

The chart below shows the process to follow if you are intending to access services for your child from an outside provider who has requested that they provide support during school time and on school grounds.


Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this process.


Kind regards
