
Hai semua (Hi everyone)!


As the year comes to an end we have been having a wonderful time exploring the culture of Indonesia!


We have learnt all about the significance and colours of the amazing Indonesian Wayang Kulit shadow puppets. We have had a play with some of the puppets that are characters from the Indonesian fairy tale of Ramayana. 


We have been learning how to play the wooden Indonesian angklung instruments. You need to carefully hold and gently shake the bamboo pipes in a certain way to make a beautiful sound. Our older students have even learnt to play simple songs such as "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" with the angklung. It sounds incredible!



Finally, our senior students spent this week's Indonesian class learning how to make Nasi Udek Manis (sweet coconut rice). It was delicious! Here is the recipe for anyone that wants to try at home:


1 cup of rice (rinsed)

1 cup of water (you might need to add more as the rice cooks, if it is getting a bit dry)

1/2 cup of 100% coconut milk

A couple of tablespoons of sugar (depending how sweet you like it)

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla

Put it all in the rice cooker and cook until soft and fluffy. 



Please get in touch of you are planning a trip to Indonesia for your family. I have some fact sheets and simple Indonesian phrases that might be useful to you.


If you have any questions about the Indonesian program, please feel free to email me


Have a wonderful weekend!


Ibu (Mrs) Ally Brennan