Monash Tech School Partnership - Design2Innovate

Creating Schools Together 

Professional Development 

As educators, we all strive to equip our students with the skills they need to succeed in an ever-changing world. That's why Miss McClure, Miss Ning, and I were thrilled to participate in the Design2Innovate Program provided by Monash Tech School during the recent academic term. This program focused on using design thinking to create positive change in our classrooms and school environment, and we couldn't be more excited about the possibilities. 


We know that technology and environmental challenges are transforming the way we live and work, and we want our students to be ready to face these challenges head-on. By teaching them to be creative problem solvers with 21st-century skills, we're giving them the tools they need to succeed in the future. 


The Design2Innovate program is an introduction to design thinking that's designed to help middle leaders and classroom teachers become more confident in using this approach in their teaching practice, school curriculum, and leadership style. We learned all about the different phases and operations of design thinking and how to apply them in practice. We also discovered how to create curriculum units using design thinking, integrate it into our own practice, introduce students to it, and start the process of cultural change through collaboration.


We were thrilled to find that the course was tailored for teachers and offered a safe, immersive environment to experience design thinking. The program was developed in partnership with Bastow, Victorian teachers, and international design thinking experts, so we knew we were getting the best possible education. 


Miss McClure, Miss Ning, and I had a wonderful time sharing ideas with teachers from other schools in our network. We're inspired and excited to implement everything we learned in our classrooms in 2024!