RSL Service

Creating Futures Together

November 5, 2023 - It's with great pride that we share the commendable participation of Layla and Hannah Wright, two of our esteemed students, at this year's State RSL Annual Remembrance Service held at Springvale War Cemetery. 


Representing WHSC, Layla and Hannah stood out not just for their presence but also for their confident reading. They shared a passage with the audience, honouring the memories of those who served and sacrificed. 

Their exemplary representation of our school values - respect, excellence, and creativity - was evident throughout the service. Their involvement in such a significant event demonstrates the depth of character and commitment our students possess. 

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Layla and Hannah for their remarkable representation of WHSC. Their contribution at the remembrance service is not just a matter of pride for our college but also a reflection of our community's spirit and values. 


Thank you, Layla and Hannah, for being outstanding ambassadors of WHSC and for your respectful tribute at this important event.