Mrs Jillian Rainger
Mrs Jillian Rainger
Was an incredibly busy week, particularly for our Year 3-6 students who travelled for their annual excursions. Canberra, Lake Keepit, Copeton Dam and Thalgarrah were our destinations and from all reports, they all had a fantastic time. Thank you to our staff for the huge amount of organisation that excursions take and for giving up their personal time to make these happen. Thank you also to our parent helpers who assisted with these events.
We are in Year 10's last week of school. The sun is shining for their camp at Copeton Dam and we look forward to the Graduation Mass, awards presentation and dinner on Friday.
Grandparents are welcome to come along to our Grandparents Day next Wednesday. The plan for the day ties in with our Infants Christmas Concert.
10:45am Meet in the Infants Quadrangle and be taken on a tour of the school by our Year 9 tour guides.
11:15am Return to the Infant's Quadrangle for morning tea
11:40 If you wish to see the Infants Christmas Concert move to the hall for the 12:00pm performance.
As a Catholic School, we celebrate Christmas, the time of Jesus' birth in multiple ways. Here are some of the ways that you can join us in celebrating:
Wednesday 6 December Infants Christmas Concert @ 12:00pm in the hall
Collection of Festive Foods for Vinnies Hampers - send in donations to your child’s classroom
Wednesday 13 December - Coin Drop for Vinnies - bring a gold coin or loose change Thursday 14 December - Thanksgiving Mass and presentation of festive food hampers to Inverell Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Principal: Jillian Rainger
AP/LOC 7-10: Kim Bailey
AP/LOP K-6: Shayne Smith
REC: Mary-Jane Guest
Leader of Learning (Data and Digital Technology): Peter Ehsman
Senior Leadership
K-6 Leader of Pedagogy and Curriculum: Cath Koch
7-10 Leader of Pedagogy: Christine McLachlan
K-10 Leader of Inclusion: Carole McNeil and Renee Stewart
K-10 Leader of Learning (Student Engagement): David Koch
Middle Leadership
Leader of VET/Careers: Kath Townsend
K-2 MAST: Aimee Gaias
7-10 Literacy Coach: Carrie Watchirs
ES1 Leader: Trish Dal Santo
S1 Leader: Carmel McCosker
S2 Leader: Elissa Murphy
S3 Leader: Terri-Lea Selig
S4 Leader: Anthony Gaias
S5 Leader: Angela East
K-6 Sports co-ordinator: Terri-Lea Selig/Trish Dal Santo
7-10 Sports co-ordinator: Blake Uebergang
Teaching Positions:
Librarian: Toni Fraser
Kinder: Rob Ditchfield, Trish Dal Santo
Year 1: Tania Moore, Erin Muggleton
Year 2: Carmel McCosker, Aimee Gaias
Year 3: Laurelle Wales, Elissa Murphy
Year 4: Casey Lea/Maddy Devlin
Amanda White/Cath Lane
Year 5: Peter Baz, Courtney Fleming
Year 6: Terri-Lea Selig, Kate McCosker, Jaide Daniels
RFF and Release Staff
Samantha Gleeson, Mary-ann Wilson, Chris Zell, Shayne Smith
7-10 Teaching Staff
Kim Bailey
David Koch
Peter Ehsman
Christine McLachlan
Carrie Watchirs
Kath Townsend
Angela East
Anthony Gaias
Blake Uebergang
Claudia Cush
Veronica McCormick
Alana Goldman
Jane Taylor
Claudia Dolbel
Matt Pye
Malynda Hiscock
Mary-Jane Guest
Jack Jefferys
Kristina Majetic
Sam White
Student Support: Inclusion, EALD, AEA, Literacy support
IST: Carole McNeil, Renee Stewart
Chris Zell, Helen Hardy, Alana Goldman
Educational Assistants:
Heather Williams
Rachelle House
Sarah Brockway
Maddi McCosker
Michelle Swadling
Kate Irwin
Tiana Cooper
Gabby Campbell
Britt Turner Conley
Liz Fuda
Harrison Boney
Tegan Higgins
School Administration
Office Manager and Principal's PA: Cathy Dyer
Finance Officer: Dee Delaney
Reception: Cherie Felton, Emma Bourke
School Assistants:
Technology: Brett Higgins
Science: Kate Irwin
Library: Sharon Hollis
Food Tech: Gabe Adams
Ag Tech: Ian Townsend
ICT: Gianluca Cabitza
Chaplain: Sharon Hollis
Brett Higgins
Cherie Felton
Margy Mitchell
Kaitlyn Townsend
Deb Holder
Gabe Adams
Anna McCudden
Staff on leave:
Mrs Chloe Smith
Mrs Cathy Doyle
We say farewell and say thank you to:
Mrs Lee Grady
Mrs Stephanie Marshall
Mrs Kristy Phillips
All 2023 outstanding fees are due this Friday. Please help us finalise our year's accounting by paying promptly. Thank you to everyone for their com
With the town pool being closed we have made the tough decision to not hold a swimming carnival for all students in Years 3-10 in 2024. The logistics, timing , cost and size of the venue for over 400 students are tricky. Therefore we will be basing our representative selections eg: Diocesan Carnival nominations in a different way. There will be a trial event for students who meet qualifying times. Information from our sports organisers for Years 3-6 and Year 7-10 will be coming home soon.
Have a good week,