Upcoming Dates 

This Week 

Wednesday 29 November 

Year 10 return from the Dam 

2:45pm K-2 Assembly and 3-6 Assembly 


Thursday 30 November

9:30am Year 10 Mass Practice at SHC 

Year 9 Leadership Day 

Principal's Meeting in Armidale 


Friday 1 December

9:15am Year 10 Graduation Mass and Presentation of Awards at SHC 

6:30pm Year 10 Graduation Dinner and Dance at RSM Club 

Primary Dio Basketball and Tennis Trials 

Next Week 

Advent Begins 

SRC Voting 

Infants Christmas Concert and Grandparents Day

Year 6 Social and Final Primary Mass 

Year 3-6 Reconciliation 



Grandparents are welcome to come along to our Grandparents Day next Wednesday.  The plan for the day ties in with our Infants Christmas Concert.  

10:45am Meet in the Infants Quadrangle and be taken on a tour of the School by our Year 9 tour guides.

11:15am Return to the Infants Quadrangle for Morning Tea. 

11.40am If you wish to see the Infants Christmas Concert move to the Hall for the 12:00pm performance. 


Save the date:

Tuesday 12 December 

Presentation Day  

10am Years 3 to 6 

12pm Secondary 




2024 Dates

Pupil Free Days 

Tuesday 30 January 

Wednesday 31 January 


Thursday 1 February 

Years 1 to 10 commence 


Kindergarten Best Start Meetings: 

Thursday 1 February

Friday 2 February

Monday 5 February

Tuesday 6 February 


Wednesday 7 February 

Kindergarten commence