Cheltenham East News

Junior School Council - 2023

Congratulations to the wonderful group of JSC members of 2023.                                        


They have met on a regular basis during their lunchtimes, organising a fundraising event each term. During these meetings they have discussed the different causes that they care about and would like to help with. They have made posters to advertise the events, rehearsed speeches, reported back to their classes and collected food and counted money. Thank you for all of your hard work this year.

2024 Booklists




















Congratulations Juliet from 6C

See below message that was received from Christoph Legaud the Judo Victorian President.


We are pleased to let you know that Juliet has passed a Judo practical and knowledge test called a grading at the Taketani Judo Academy.

This is no easy task and requires a great deal of practice.  The grade is awarded by the presentation of a coloured Judo belt.

Junior Judo belts are in varying colours signifying age and expertise.  Juliet has been awarded a Yellow-Orange belt.  


Congratulations Juliet, continue to 'Aim High'!


Christmas Card Competition Winners

As a now annual tradition, all schools in the Cheltenham/Bentleigh area were again invited to create and submit Christmas/Season’s greetings cards, to be sent out to the Bentleigh Electorate.


Of the seven winning designs selected from numerous schools, two were from Cheltenham East PS, Ellen B from 34E & Jazmin D from 5A. Ellen created an 'underwater Santa design and Jazmin created a an 'emu in a Santa hat'. (see pictures below).Nick Staikos, the State member for the Bentleigh electorate, visited our school yesterday morning to personally present both girls with their prizes (a gift pack of Christmas cards with their design on the front for their family and friends). Well done Ellen and Jazmin, and every student who created and entered a design. 

Luna Park Big Day Out - Grade 6

Each year Luna Park opens up to Primary and Secondary schools for a day of end of year celebrations. Being the organised cohort we are, we were the first school to enter Luna Park on Wednesday. As soon as the teachers said we could go, we all ran off in different directions and lined up for rides. Some of our favorite rides were the scenic railway, enterprise, pharaoh’s curse, spider, speedy beetle and coney drop. We think the scariest rides were the enterprise and pharaoh’s curse. 

We were allowed to take spending money and enjoyed buying our lunch, showbags and playing the carnival games. Some students overcame their fears by going on scary rides, and it was great to see everyone looking out for each other. 

At the end of the day all three teachers and 14 students rode together on the Speedy Beetle. It was so much fun going to Luna Park and we rate it the best excursion we have ever been on. We give it 11/10.


All of the Year 6’s would like to thank Mr Packham, Ms Boucher and Mrs Kerr for organising the day, Natasha for coming along, our parents for letting us go and all of the staff at Luna Park.


What a fantastic way to celebrate the end of our Primary School journey.


Hera C - 6C