Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

Welcome back everyone !

It was so lovely to see all the smiling faces on the students and parents over the last few days! Great to hear the laughter and friendship building that was occurring before and after school and during the recess and lunch breaks as well! We certainly have a lot to be thankful for here at Our Lady of Fatima.

Students’ Prayer for the start of the Year

At the Assembly on Wednesday for the first day of school, the School Captains led us in Prayer for the commencement of the school year. 


We prayed ….

                              We give you praise O God

                              For everything that is new and beautiful

                              For everything which holds promise and brings us joy.


                              Bless us as we start this year

                              With our friends and teachers

                              Help us to make the most of every chance we have, to start afresh.


                              May we show love to one another and to all.

                              May the new beginning of this school year

                              Remind us that you give us chances to start over

                              Again and again

                              Help us to forgive others

                              As we receive your forgiveness.


                              Help us to learn and to work together.

                              Help us to listen when we should

                              And to know the best words when we speak

                              And when it is better not to speak.        Amen 

Coming up...Our Beginning of the Year Whole School to be communicated very soon!

Coming up...St Valentine’s Day & Ash Wednesday..

Did you know that St Valentine was martyred around 270 AD?  A long time ago indeed however, we still celebrate the message of love that this early Christian martyr spread!

Here’s a few quick facts about his legend….

  • Feast day February 14
  • Bishop of Terni, Italy
  • 3rd century Roman martyr 
  • Imprisoned for secretly marrying soldiers that wanted to be wed at a time that soldiers were not allowed to have wives
  • signed a letter to the jailer’s daughter “from your Valentine” 
  • healed his jailer’s daughter of blindness 
  • Patron Saint of couples, love, and bee keepers
  • Symbols: heart, birds, roses

Ash Wednesday - 14th February 

(This year Ash Wednesday is the same day as Valentines Day) 


The tradition of marking the forehead with ash on Ash Wednesday can be traced back to the ancient Jewish action of dusting oneself with ash as a sign of repentance and mourning for wrongful actions. It was a public declaration of the acknowledgement of the wrong and the commitment to turn one’s life around and try not to make the same mistake again. It still remains a public declaration that during the period of Lent those who wear the cross of ash are going to attempt to turn around their lives and re-focus themselves more fully on God.


Students from Year 3-6 will be attending the parish Mass at 9.15am on this day.(Ash Wednesday 14th February).

Years 1 and 2 will hold a small Liturgy in the classrooms.



Perhaps as a family you could Create a prayer space in your house, classroom or gathering space that will remain throughout the season of Lent. Incorporate the liturgical colour, purple, and symbols of change.


Have a fabulous week !



Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator