News from our 

Assistant Principal

Louise Gordon

Student Attendance

Systemic Catholic primary schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney must record daily student attendance. All student absences must be followed by an explanation from parents within one week of the absence. This can be completed using our school web-based system – COMPASS. The functionality for parents within the Compass parent portal includes the ability to monitor their child’s attendance and enter in explanations for late arrivals or absences.


If an explanation is not received within that time, the absence will automatically be recorded as an unexplained absence. Children who arrive at school after 8.50am must report to the school office before going to class where a late note will be issued stating the reason for the partial absence.


Parents are reminded that if your child will be on leave for five or more school days an ‘Application for Leave form/Application for Extended Leave –Travel form’ at least three school days before the absence needs to be completed. It is a legal requirement that a principal must grant an exemption from attendance prior to such leave being taken. ‘Application for Exemption’ forms are available at the school office. If an exemption certificate is not provided to the parent by the school before the absence, the absence will be recorded as unexplained/unacceptable. 


Parents can enter attendance notes in Compass using these codes:







Medical Illness/ Injury

Counted Absence Reason

Student is absent due to sickness, medical condition or injury. 


Medical Appointment

Counted Absence Reason

Student is absent as a result of a medical or paramedical appointment.

Includes: medical, dental, psychological.







Counted Absence Reason

Student is absent due to a holiday or other travel.

Other Explained Absence

Counted Absence Reason

School has received a satisfactory explanation for a student’s absence.

Includes: Funeral, participation in special events not related to school, recognised religious festivals or ceremonial occasions, natural disaster, critical incident, student management.

Domestic necessity

Counted Absence Reason

School has received a satisfactory explanation for a student’s absence.

Includes: misadventure or unforeseen event, serious illness of an immediate family member.

Natural Disaster

Counted Absence Reason

Student is unable to attend school due to a natural disaster.

Includes extreme weather events, bushfire and flood.

Please contact the school office if you have any queries.               

Dismissal Procedures and Car Line


At Our Lady of Fatima we value the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. To ensure the safety of all students and in particular those who use the car line service we remind parents of the following:


  • It is important not to arrive too early in the afternoon at carline to reduce traffic congestion on Port Hacking Road.You may be asked to move on and return at the nominated time
  • Please have a clear display of your family surname to enable your child to be notified of your arrival - Parents are reminded to ensure that the sign is legible
  • Parents and visitors are to drive at a safe speed (not exceeding 5km) when on the Parish and school grounds
  • When dropping or picking up your child /children DO NOT exit your vehicles.
  • If your child is unable to leave or enter the vehicle unaided you are asked to park off- site and walk to the school to collect your child from the oval or school exit gates.
  • If your child is unable to undo or put on their car seat belt you are not to get out of your car to assist and may need to park offsite, walk in to drop off or collect your child. Spend some time at home teaching them how to put on and take off their seat belts
  • DO NOT open car boots as it can be a safety hazard. Please have your child’s/children’s bags in the vehicle
  • Please remind your child/children not to walk between cars after exiting the car and to use the pedestrian crossing at all times. Please note that walking between cars is extremely dangerous
  • Walkers leaving the school via Port Hacking Road are to exit via the school back gate and walk safely and quietly along the school pathway.
  • Students in Years 4-6 may ride their bicycle to and from school only after their parents have completed the ‘Riding a Bicycle to and From School’ permission form and the student has attended a safety induction session at school.   

Parents, please be reminded that the school administration and staff car park are not available for the morning drop off or afternoon pick up of students.

Road Safety Fact Sheets

Parents please read the Road Safety Fact sheets from Sutherland Council to promote safe school travel for all students.


FACT SHEET Safe School Travel 

FACT SHEET Road Safety for Kindergarten Parents

Meet and Greet Interviews

To assist teachers to provide an engaging learning experience to meet the needs of your child you are invited to attend a ‘Meet and Greet’ interview (optional) during Weeks Three and Four on the school site. 


Week 3 Tuesday 20th February: 3.00-6.30pm

Week 4 Wednesday 28th February: 3.00-5.00pm 


A student information questionnaire will be sent to parents prior to the Meet and Greet interviews to assist teachers to learn more about your child’s interests and learning styles. Please return the surveys to your child’s teacher.


The meetings will be ten minutes in duration and provide an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher and share information about your child in relation to their interests and needs. Interviews will take place in your child's classroom.


If you wish to attend a ‘Meet and Greet’ interview please complete the interview booking portal located on our school online web system: COMPASS. If using the APP select menu/conferences/2024 Meet and Greet. 

The interview booking System will be available from Monday 14th February. 

Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to cancel or reschedule your interview time.

OLF Parent Volunteers

This year the school would like to extend an invitation for parent volunteers to assist in the classrooms, sporting events and excursions. Sydney Catholic Schools is dedicated to upholding the values and practices that create safe learning environments for students. In accordance with the SCS’s child-safe school’s practices the following is required for all school volunteers:


• Attend an induction session run by the relevant SCS school/office. This will include expectations for volunteers working in a SCS school/office 


• Read the documents in the Child Safe Schools Resource Kit for Volunteers


• Return the signed ‘Safe Schools Expectations Undertaking – Volunteers’ form to the school office


• The relevant Principal/Manager will review the application to volunteer


• If approved, you will be registered at the school as a volunteer


• If the Principal/Manager has a concern about your suitability to be a volunteer, they will communicate the concern with you


It is necessary for all school volunteers to complete the Child Safe online induction via the following link:   Child Safe Communities Online Verification Process, this is in addition to participating in a face-to-face school based presentation. 

Parent Volunteer Resource Kit  



The school’s Working With Children face to face Induction sessions will be on the following dates: (Sessions will run for approximately 30mins)

Tuesday 20th February:        4.00pm   or   5.00pm

Wednesday 28th February: 4.00pm   or   5.00pm 

Thursday 29th February:      8.00am

Second Uniform Shop: Parent Volunteers Required

Please contact the school office at, if you are available to volunteer one day every fortnight from 2:30pm - 3:15pm to help with the running of the second-hand uniform shop.  (Must be consistent and reliable).


(This is not a hard task and it could help in assisting you to meet some new parents/friends in our school community).


A big thank you to our parent volunteers from last year Karen & Peggy, the whole school community greatly appreciated your time and service to our second hand uniform shop.

Homework Policy

At Our Lady of Fatima Caringbah, we acknowledge that the time children spend with their families and their involvement in extracurricular activities, are important components in the development of the whole child.Homework brings children's school experience into the home, allowing families to understand their progress and engage more closely with the curriculum.


Research from ‘Learning through Homework’, (Hattie 2008) states that short and frequent homework is more effective than lengthy homework. The effectiveness of homework is increased when homework is linked to learning goals, monitored and provided with consistent feedback. Homework tasks should reinforce learning and allow time for students to revise and reflect about their learning. Homework is quality not quantity.



Homework is to be communicated to parents at the commencement of the term via the Grade Bulletin and or a Homework Grid.


Reading for pleasure on a daily basis is encouraged across all year levels.


Kindergarten to Year 2 


Review of spelling words, sight words 

Review of numeracy skills- counting/addition and subtraction patterns.

Year 2- Maths Mentals workbook


Years 3 -6

Homework Grids - providing a range of curriculum activities and inquiry learning tasks.

This will include students completing a mentals workbook, spelling and reading/comprehension activities, Religious Education tasks and the opportunity for inquiry learning throughout the term. 

Homework tasks will be designed to cater for student diversity. 

All students will be issued with a Homework Book and a Maths Mentals book.

Suggested Homework Time Allocations: (3- 4 times a week)

Parents, please be reminded that family time and extracurricular activities are a very important part of your child’s development. Take note that reading is the most important aspect of learning at home with your child. These suggested times are a guide only and will vary for each child.

Kindergarten10 minutes
Year One15 minutes
Year Two20 minutes
Year Three30 minutes
Year Four30 minutes
Year Five40 minutes
Year Six40 minutes

Social Media Consent

The student enrolment process includes a permission consent form (Media Form) to allow student photographs to be uploaded onto the school Newsletter, Facebook and See Saw. If you have changed your consent please inform your child’s teacher as soon as possible.

School Uniform

It has been wonderful to see the students return to school looking so smart in their school uniform. Parents are reminded to ensure that their child wears the correct school shoes, socks and sports shoes daily. 


Our school has a ‘no hat no play policy”, students are required to wear their hat for all outdoor activities. Only Year 6 students are to wear their school cap with students in Kindergarten to Year 5 wearing the traditional school hat. 

Students are to have neat hairstyles with any shoulder-length hair tied back. Students are not to wear jewellery.


Please note information related to recommended school shoes.

  • Should have no visible branding
  • Should be traditional type school shoe, all black and polishable leather
  • Lace up 
  • Should have a heel (not a flat sole)
  • Usually have 4-5 eyelet pairs (for laces)/buckles






Ms Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal