News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents and carers,


Welcome back to another school year! I hope you all found time to rest and renew with family and friends over the Christmas and summer break. The staff have been busy preparing for the school year ahead and I am once again impressed by their commitment, professionalism and dedication as we all get ready to welcome you and the students back to school. 


We welcome all our new families and new staff members to our community this year and hope that your time with us is a rewarding experience. The school year promises to be full of new discoveries, friendships, and exciting challenges. We are committed to fostering a love for learning, encouraging curiosity, creativity, and instilling values that will help our students grow into well-rounded individuals.


Today we were visited by Mr Tony Farley, SCS Executive Director. He thoroughly enjoyed being part of the buzz of the beginning of the school year and was impressed with the enthusiasm, passion and spirit alive in our community. He was able to visit a number of classrooms and meet all of our Kindergarten and Year 6 students, as well as address the whole school at an assembly. His leadership of all Sydney Catholic Schools and support of our school is appreciated and valued as we continue our journey of creating a vibrant and thriving learning environment at Our Lady of Fatima.



I congratulate our School Captains for 2024, Luke, Chloe, Ethan and Chelsea as they begin their leadership journey at OLF. They have already displayed outstanding leadership as they represented the students and supported me in welcoming Mr Farley today. I look forward to working closely with them throughout the year ahead!



SCS’s theme for 2024 is “ We Journey Together as Joyful Witnesses to Hope”.  May the hope we have in the Lord comfort and sustain us to ignite curiosity in our hearts as we continue to be a thriving Catholic community.

Yours sincerely,







Mrs Sue Clay | Principal