
Archie Hill - 125 nights of reading

Aria Hill - for including good detail in your letters this week

Emma Thomas Yr 4 - for helping out around the school

Ava Huf Yr 4 - for always trying her best in all subjects

Ivy Luhrs Yr 2- marvellous maths work



Maths Mastery

Club Bugfree

Sienna Huf - 28/28

Edith Leese - 27/28

Evie Longcor - 24/28

Aria Hill - 26/28

Billie Behncke - 25/28

Ivy Luhrs - 27/28

Archie Hill - 19/21

Sybil Young - 25/28

Max Luhrs - 25/28


Neat Workbook

Skye Peters

Harrison Girdwood

Toby Huf


Wellbeing Awards

Holly Lewis - for your excellent GRIT work! Well done Holly. 

Gwyn Nettleton - for being incredibly thoughtful and helpful! Well done Gwyn. 

Toby Huf - for being one of Mrs G's BEST listeners this week!