Language and Culture

Kii, Deadly TPS community, biladu-njan wat/how are you all? And in the words of my Yawuru language...Ngaji gurrjin/Hello everyone!
Wominjeka/welcome to a new year, and to all of our students and families, especially those of you who are just starting your journey at TPS!
All classes started the year with a focus on learning about or reviewing what we know about Wurundjeri Woiwurrung Country and the significance of and difference between ‘Welcome to Country’ and ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ rituals. The beautiful book Welcome to Country written by Aunty Joy Murphy, was read to F-2 classes to assist learning about the meaning of the words wominjeka and Wurundjeri. 3-6 classes also reviewed their knowledge and understanding of the five language groups that make up the Kulin Nation.
As part of a school-wide focus, we also started the year learning about what a Growth Mindset is and how to use Growth Mindset Mantras to support learning.
Students in the Foundation classes have begun learning our Greeting Song and Birthday Song, how to respond with Marrambik magalu!/I am here! during roll call, and how to answer ngayi/yes and dhagung/no when playing our Who Am I animal game, as well as learning about some of the Woiwurrung animal names we use as Class Totems.
The Woiwurrung language focus for grades 1-6 in these past few weeks, has been on learning/reviewing people nouns and simple conversational sentences we can use to introduce ourselves, as well as to ask and answer questions about ourselves, our friends and family members.
In the audio samples below, the Yr 1/2 students are practising: Kii! Narrinik…/Hi! My name is…; and the Yr 5/6 students are practising: Winha kirripin narrinu?/What is your friend’s name? Kirripik narrinu…/My friend’s name is…