From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Blessed Edmund Rice Icon
  • Remembrance Day Commemoration
  • Movember Campaign into week 3
  • Annual Awards Presentation - Tuesday 5 December
  • Year 12 Formal a huge success
  • Founder's Day postponed
  • End of school year approaching
  • Christmas Twilight Concert
  • Community Satisfaction Surveys
  • End of Year Dates


Inclusive Community

Inclusive community is one of the Touchstones of a Catholic Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition 

The Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition has four Touchstones for authenticity: 

Liberating Education

Gospel Spirituality 

Inclusive Community 

Justice and Solidarity 

The Touchstone of Inclusive Community focuses our attention on the 'who'. When considering the inclusiveness of a community, much depends on who is/is not invited to the table, who is/is not engaged with when moving out from the school gates, whose voice is/is not called upon or heard. Who’s in and who’s out? 

Inclusive communities are built upon right relationships: relationships with people and organisations through which we call them to be all that they can be through deep respect, mutuality and compassion. 

Community is a term which implies belonging and hospitality. Community seeks to reach out to others and welcome them in recognising in each person the face of Christ. This compassionate presence opens our hearts to all who we encounter as children of God. 

Inclusivity demands an openness and acceptance of those who are on the edges of our society. It requires a going out to those on the margins. For Pope Francis this is the 'culture of encounter' and 'neighbourliness'. Philip Pinto called upon us at our Congress in 2013 to ensure that 'everyone eats at the same table.' An Edmund Rice community guards against any form of exclusion, sharing life with all in solidarity and growing together for liberation.

In understanding this, we look for inclusivity in our foundational stories. We aim to bring a notion of inclusivity to reality. We challenge schools to foster inclusive communities, to develop structures, processes, curriculum and pastoral programs that are open, accessible and supportive of those normally on the edges of our society. We challenge schools to enthusiastically participate in the Catholic education community and to reach out with mutuality and respect to those who also work for the Kingdom of God. 

Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good

As we reflect on the year 2023, we also ponder how well we have upheld the Touchstones of a Catholic Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition. While considering the provided description, we must introspect individually and as a community. Have we remained true to the principle of inclusivity, extending invitations to everyone, and cultivating meaningful connections with those we encountered throughout the year with 'deep respect, mutuality, and compassion'? Recognising that we are all children of God, our community strives to view the world through a lens that fosters openness and acceptance, particularly for those on the margins, following in the footsteps of Blessed Edmund Rice who welcomed all, especially the youth of Waterford, to his table.

In 2023, have we, both as individuals and as a community, been open, accessible, supportive, and respectful to all those dedicated to living and working for the Kingdom of God? May our collective efforts resonate with the spirit of inclusivity, as we hope and pray that we have nurtured relationships rooted in a commitment to the common good, contributing to making this world a better place.

Blessed Edmund Rice Icon


The Icon provides all Edmund Rice communities an insight into the person who was Blessed Edmund Rice.


Edmund’s left hand caresses the head of his daughter


Young boy who is representative of the marginalized.

With his right hand, Edmund extends his fatherliness beyond the confines of family to a distressed young boy who is representative of a multitude of poor, illiterate and wretchedly disadvantaged children of Waterford. In this case, the gesture is one of friendship, an open invitation to a future of fulfillment and dignity through the development and proper use of God-given talents. To Edmund, education was an obvious and practical answer.


Blessed Edmund Rice saying:

‘Give to the poor in handfuls.’


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Remembrance Day Commemoration

Thank you to Mr Petrie and the College student leaders for leading our commemorative service for Remembrance Day.  From all accounts, the students were outstanding in their reverence throughout the ceremony, paying respect to the past and to all those who attended this special occasion.

November campaign into week three

The Movember campaign continues to gain momentum as we surpass our new target of $3000.  The moustaches on both staff and students are making us look very distinguished as we raise awareness for men’s health in particular men’s mental health, testicular cancer and prostate cancer.  All proceeds to this worthy cause are welcomed and appreciated so dig deep and share a little for this most significant cause.

Please continue to donate via myMo Space, here:  – for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in your life. 

The Annual Awards Presentation – Tuesday 5 December

The St Pius X College 2023 Annual Awards Presentation is an opportunity for the College to acknowledge and congratulate the many success stories of 2023. As this is a change to previous practice, award recipients will not be notified until late Week 8 due to the tight schedule between completion of the assessment period, marking and finally report compilation.  The Annual Awards Presentation is a normal school day and therefore attendance is compulsory for all students Year 5 to Year 11.

Year 12 Formal a huge success

The College formal was an outstanding success with students, parents and staff sharing in a wonderful celebration marking the great partnership between home and school. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend due to a EREA NSW Principals meeting but from all reports a great time was had by all.  Congratulations to Mr Ticli and Mrs Bamber for all the organisation of the event for their genuine support of all Year 12 students.

Founder's Day postponed

I advised the college community yesterday that it has been decided to postpone this year's Founder's Day celebration to May 2024.  While I recognise that this day is a cherished event in the school calendar, the new date will align with our future Founder's Week celebrations and is a more fitting time to celebrate this occasion.

I attach the letter which was forwarded to all families yesterday which explains this postponement further.

End of the school year approaching 

With the end of the school year fast approaching for the young men of St Pius X College, I would like to remind all our students the importance of remaining faithful to the high standards and expectations the College has established.  The end of the assessment period is not a time for any student to lower these standards, especially within the classroom. Maintaining a positive learning environment is the responsibility of all students. I would kindly ask all families to share the importance on finishing well with their sons as we lead into the end of the school year.

Christmas Twilight Concert

Embraced by the melodies of Christmas tunes, we eagerly step into the joyous spirit of the festive season. We warmly invite you to join the St Pius X community this upcoming Friday, where our talented bands and ensembles will fill the air with enchanting music, creating a delightful celebration of this special time of the year.

Community Satisfaction Surveys

If you have not had the opportunity to complete these surveys, I would encourage you to do so as the College would welcome your feedback.

End of Year Dates

Week 8 

Sunday 26 November                  Year 11 Snowy Mountain Hike commences

Sunday 26 November                  Year 10 Immersions commence

Monday 27 November                 Year 11 Supervised Study available 

                                                            Year 10 Term 5 End of Year program commences

                                                            Year 6 Graduation at Oxford Falls campus

Week 9            

Monday 4 December                    End of Year Thanksgiving Liturgy - Road to Bethlehem 

Tuesday 5 December                    Annual Awards Ceremony at Oxford Falls campus

                                                             Last Day for students Year 5 - 11


Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal