Principal's Report

It’s hard to believe there are only 3 weeks left of school for the year. We are working hard to ensure that the final weeks of the school year are still fully focused on student learning but also include some fun activities, excursions and events to round out a fantastic 2023.
Our School Review
The formalities are now complete. After 4 days of interviews, discussions, data analysis and observations our reviewer will now put together her report so we can finalise our next School Strategic Plan.
I was incredibly proud of the outcomes our review found and am excited to see what we can achieve over the next four years. When the report is complete this will be shared with School Council and the new Strategic Plan will be placed on the website in 2024.
I would like to thank Mr Brett Miller (Principal, Osborne Primary School), Mr Rohan Cooper (Executive Principal Caulfield South Primary School), Tracey Mottershead (School Council President), Stan Szuty (Department of Education) and Robyn Blackie (School Reviewer) who have assisted with drafting our next four years of work.
Another Couple of Welcomes and Another Goodbye
Cherrie Newsham has been successful in becoming our new school chaplain. This has been a long and arduous task and one that we were not willing to “settle” on. We are very lucky to have Cherrie join our staff at LPS. Cherrie comes with a long list of skills and experience that we think will help many of our students achieve their best at LPS.
Cherrie will officially begin in 2024 but will be here for the next couple of Fridays getting to know the place!
Georgia Anderson will be joining our staff next year. Georgia has been at LPS as a relief teacher this year and has built terrific relationships with our students across all year levels. We are pleased to have her become part of our permanent teaching staff and no doubt help our students achieve their best!
Miss Mackintosh will be leaving LPS after 8 years. Over the years she has taught Year 1, Year 6 and Year 5 and has built some excellent relationships along the way here at LPS. She will be missed by all students, staff and parents. Brooke is leaving to take on a leadership role at Somerville Rise PS. On behalf of us all, I wish her all the best!
The Beginning of 2024
Who returns when?
Teachers: Monday 29th January
Years 1-6: Tuesday 30th January
Preps: Start Thursday 1st February (some preps will have a scheduled appointment on 31st January for one-on-one assessment with classroom teacher)
Danielle Court
Please use the footpath rather than walking down the middle of the court.
Year 6 Billycarts
Another year and another billycart race!!! I love this event, especially because it has involved many parents and is great form of authentic learning that culminates in a fun and sometimes funny afternoon. Thanks to all parents who assisted with the building and the Year 6 teachers for making this happen…again!
Have a great fortnight,
Mark Moorhouse