From the Leadership Team

Farewell 2023
Wow! What a year. It feels like the 2023 school year has flown past. We have made it to the end of a very successful school year, and we made it together. Para Vista Primary School would not be the great place it is without the support of the families and community. Thank you for all for continuing to support your children and our staff.
I am extremely proud of our students, the learning they have done and their achievements in 2023. As a staff team, we have worked hard to introduce new opportunities and set our students up for success, providing consistency and predictability to support their engagement. We will continue working on this in 2024 and can't wait to see the directions we move in.
On Wednesday night, we celebrated the graduation of our Year 6 students. We shared a lovely evening with families, staff and students, enjoying memories and stories of 2023 and their time at Para Vista. The students proudly accepted their graduation folders and awards and it was fabulous to see over 150 family members and friends sharing this night with them. Thanks to the teachers and SSOs for their organisation. Our gym looked amazing and I know this night has created some fabulous memories.
End of Year Report were sent home with students this week. These reflect on your child's learning growth for the year and we encourage you to read these with your child and ask them to share more about their learning with you. We hope that you enjoy celebrating their personal achievements for 2023. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. They will be happy to help.
2024 class placements have been completed, and this information was included in your child’s report. Students had an opportunity to visit with their new classmates and find out about their 2024 teacher. There were lots of smiles and excited chatter as everyone discovered where they will be in 2024. Many hours of discussion and planning have gone into the placement process and teachers have put much thought and care into building classes for 2024. We will begin the year with 9 classes; two Reception classes, a Year class, a Year 2 class, a Year 2/3 class, a Year 3/4 class, a Year 4/5 class and two Year 5/6 classes. We are still finalising some staffing, and a full staff list will be shared at the beginning of 2024. 2024 will also see another group of Receptions join us midyear.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a relaxing break. I hope you enjoy time with family and friends and that you have the opportunity to do something that helps you rest and recharge as we head in to 2024. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a great holiday break.
A Message from Jason
A heartfelt message of thanks!
I take this opportunity to say what a privilege it has been to be your Deputy Principal at Para Vista Primary over the past two terms.
This has been a role that I have really enjoyed. It has been a great privilege to be at the school and I have valued the connections made with students, families and staff during this time.
I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Please have a safe holiday and a great start to 2024!
Kindest Regards
Jason Saxby