Middle School (Y9-10)

Year 9 Alpine School

Year 9 Alpine School


In Term 4 this year, several students from Year 9 were chosen to represent Chelt.Sec at the Alpine School for Student Leadership. This is a government initiative that encourages students to step outside their comfort zone and participate in a term-long program of outdoor activities and classes on leadership and personal development. As part of the program, we travelled to the Dinner Plain campus of the Alpine School at the top of Mt Hotham, several hours north of Melbourne. 


During our time at the Alpine School, we were able to grow and develop our leadership skills and further develop our confidence, interpersonal skills and teamwork. Some of the ways we did this was by practising public speaking, working in different groups and teams, controlling our emotions, being more resilient and much more. We participated in several multi-day expeditions where we camped in the wilderness and completed challenges such as raft building, bridge building, white water rafting and mountain biking. 


As part of our time at the Alpine School, we worked together on a Community Learning Project (CLP), which we had to bring back to school and present to our community. We developed a project that raises money for research into Parkinson’s Disease. We aim to achieve this by hosting a movie night and watching Back to the Future during Term 1. We plan to donate all the proceeds of this to the Michael J. Fox Foundation. 


Alpine School, for Student Leadership, gave us many opportunities to learn and grow as well as create many new friendships from schools all over Victoria. It helped us connect with the natural environment as well as the community environment in which we were living for 8 weeks.


We would like to thank the Alpine School for a wonderful experience, our families for supporting us through this, our liaison teacher Ms. Matthews for giving us the opportunity to attend Alpine School, Mr. Cooper for visiting us to see our CLP presentation and Ms. Wallis for her guidance with our CLP. 


We look forward to presenting to next Year 9’s on the wonderful opportunity of attending Alpine School. 


Thank you. 

- Finn R., Samuel A., Josh K., Eleanor S., Riley B. and Matilda D.





Middle School Team and contacts

Please contact us if you have any concerns about your young person at school. 















Naomi O'Brien-D'Ambra                                                                  Chris Cooper

Junior and Middle School Director                                              Coordinator

obr@cheltsec.vic.edu.au                                                                 coo@cheltsec.vic.edu.au            














Heather Lines                                                                                

