Junior School (Y7-8)

Year 7 Smoothie Bar Incursion  |  Junior School Contacts

Year 7 Smoothie Bar Incursion


The Smoothie Bar Incursion was a great experience for students to improve their business and entrepreneur skills. It was a really good experience for me and was really fun. Especially making the smoothie. In our smoothie we put in a range of frozen fruits like strawberries and blueberries. We also put in bananas and chia seeds. - Phillip S.


The Year 7s thoroughly enjoyed the Smoothie Bar Incursion. The incursion included making your own company, producing your own smoothie, presenting your company and marketing your smoothie along with your friends (colleagues). Everyone was very engaged throughout the whole day. It was a great balance of fun and information, so we thank Tripod Education for the wonderful experience. 
- Emma C.


During the Smoothie Bar incursion we got to make our own smoothies with things that we want in them. We made a slide show about the cost of the smoothies and the extra details to make a company. I really enjoyed the day and would love to do it again. - Owen B.


During the Smoothie Bar Incursion we had to design a yummy smoothie that had many fruits included. We were assigned to present a slide or poster about our company. Our company was called ACT1VE as we believe our smoothie will keep you active for the day, including being nutritious and healthy.I really enjoyed the day with the smoothie bar team. - Flynn W.


The Smoothie Bar was a great learning curve for people who want to start a business. We learnt about marketing, prices and packaging etc. I really enjoyed making the company and company logos and of course making the smoothie.  Our company name: FROSTY ENERGY.  Slogan: Slowly crafted to perfection. - Samir A. 


Together we created a smoothie company. Our very good company is called ‘Da Fruit Ninjas’. We had a fun day making two great fruit smoothies: mango and a berry smoothie!  “Our smoothies are smooth and we care for smooth operators.” - Ash L., Harvey G. and Alfie W.

Junior School Team and contacts

Please contact us if you have any concerns about your young person at school. 















Naomi O'Brien-D'Ambra                                                                  Linda Palermo 

Junior and Middle School Director                                              Coordinator

obr@cheltsec.vic.edu.au                                                                 pal@cheltsec.vic.edu.au       














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