Assistant Principal's Report

Leasyl Richards - Curriculum

15th December 2023


Semester Two Student Reports have been made available for you to access from this morning. 


To access the reports please log onto Compass.  School reports stay on Compass for as long as your child is enrolled at Wheelers Hill Primary. A reminder to Year 6 parents and parents of any child leaving at the end of 2023, you need to make sure you have downloaded and saved your reports as you won’t be able to access these once your child has left the school.



The results for the Final Nude Food Tuesday of the year are:


In 2024 we are making a change - we will be having Nude Food every day. 


Our school is Resourcesmart 4star Sustainable School and as such we need to be reducing our rubbish.  We know from the last few years that our Nude Food Tuesday's have had a significant difference to the amount of rubbish in our bins and in the yard. It is now time to expand on this. Our goal is to eliminate the rubbish in the yard and reduce the amount of landfill in our bins.  We will still do a Nude Food tally once each week and continue rewarding classes with certificates and our Nude Food trophy but the expectation will be that ALL lunchboxes have nude food every day. That is, no wrappers, no gladwrap, no soft plastics (chip packets etc)

VHAP (Victorian High Ability Program) MASTERCLASS

At the end of each year Mr Okita runs a VHAP Masterclass for students who have been chosen to participate in VHAP over the school year.  A huge thank you to Mr Okita for running these engaging sessions as a celebration of participation in this program.



Congratulaitions to the Year 5 and 6 students who participated in the Maths Olympiad this year.  These students give up one lunchtime per week to practice Olympiad style questions and then participate in 4 Maths Olympiad competitions across the year.


As a reward for their efforts students received certificates and medals and a well deserved pizza lunch. Thank you to Mr Oikta and Miss Gallagher for assisting with Maths Olympiad in 2023.



Thank you to everyone- staff, students and parents- for another fantastic year at WHPS.  

Congratulations to all students for their continued efforts in achieving their best in 2023.  It is delightful to see the achievements you all make as you learn and grow each year. 

Thank you to our amazing teachers, support staff and admin staff for their work each and every day to ensure your children are in the best possible care and are always being challenged and nurtured to reach their full potential. 

Thank you also to the wonderful and supportive parent community we have here at WHPS.   

I wish all our departing Year 6 students all the best for their new adventure at secondary school.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday break and look forward to another great year at WHPS in 2024. 


Merry Christmas!


Leasyl Richards