From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Annual Awards Presentation
  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception 
  • Farewell and thank you
  • College going cashless
  • Movember Campaign
  • Christmas Reading
  • Important Dates for the commencement of 2024 school year


The Season Of Advent - Be On Your Guard 

The following article was recently written in my local parish bulletin.

'As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the Prophet: "A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’" - Luke 3:4. The Lord gives us the grace and joy of opening the new Liturgical Year, starting with its first season: Advent, the period that commemorates the coming of God among us. In this Advent Season we shall be granted once again to experience the closeness of the One who created the world and who cared for us to the point of deigning to become a man. During the Season of Advent, we shall feel the Church which takes us by the hand and — in the image of Mary Most Holy, expresses her motherhood, enabling us to experience the joyful expectation of the coming of the Lord. While our hearts look forward to the annual celebration of Christ’s Birth, the Church’s Liturgy directs our gaze to the final goal: our encounter with the Lord who will come in the splendour of glory. For this reason, in every Eucharist, we 'announce his death, proclaim his Resurrection until he comes again,' we watch in prayer. Pope Benedict XVI The liturgy of Advent…helps us to understand fully the value and meaning of the mystery of Christmas. It is not just about commemorating the historical event which occurred some 2,000 years ago in a little village of Judea. Instead, it is necessary to understand that the whole of our life must be an ‘advent,’ a vigilant awaiting of the final coming of Christ. To predispose our mind to welcome the Lord who, as we say in the Creed, one day will come to judge the living and the dead, we must learn to recognize him as present in the events of daily life. Therefore, Advent is, so to speak, an intense training that directs us decisively toward him who already came, who will come, and who comes continuously.' – St John Paul II 


'It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you.' – St Teresa of Calcutta


May we all be on guard during this Advent season and let us look for the presence of our God in our actions and in those around us.


I would like to thank everyone for their welcome to St Pius X College.  I cannot believe it has been a whole year, already. 


May all our families experience the joy and peace of the Christmas period.

Annual Awards Presentation – Tuesday 5 December

The Annual Awards Presentation was a wonderful way to finish the academic school year.  Considering the weather conditions, all the students were respectful to all the award recipients.  I have included part of my address to the community that includes our thanks and farewell to Mr Casey, Mr Russo and Mr Brannan.


'… The College Theme for 2023 was 'Listening to Learn, Learning to Listen'.  The theme provided us with great insight into the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice:

  • his compassion
  • his thirst for justice for those on the margin 
  • and his energy to educate the very poor and illiterate youth in Waterford, Ireland. 

As Edmund Rice listened to the cries and voices of the young people of Waterford, did you, in 2023, listen to the cries, to the voices of those around you; or did you choose to ignore their cries?  Did you encourage your peers in our learning environment to be young men of hope or did you discourage those in your learning environment so that they could not strive for their personal best? 


If you didn’t listen or encourage, then why not? 


Remember you are charged with the responsibility to:

  • work to the best of your ability
  • serve others
  • provide a safe and supportive environment
  • engage in a holistic education that integrates faith and learning
  • be active participates and advocates in social justice issues 
  • liberate ourselves by meeting these responsibilities so that we can contribute to making this world a better place.

Today, we farewell three significant staff members. These educators have been part of the St Pius X landscape for combined total of over 65 years.  Each member has played a significant role in the development and improvement of a College, they love.  Some are finding other opportunities to share their leadership or their learnings from St Pius X, while others have decided to retire after serving the Catholic community for over 40 years, each. 


Mr Brannan has been a member of the St Pius X community for the past 24 years.  During this time, Mr Brannan has fulfilled a number of roles but it has been his passion for the pastoral wellbeing of both staff and students where he has truly left his mark. Mr Brannan has also been an advocate for our indigenous community as seen through his initiatives such as the College Reconciliation Action Plan and the Red Dirt Experiences.  I am confident that the hard work you have placed in this area, Mr Brannan, will continue in your absence.  Mr Brannan, however, is not leaving us, but rather is taking a break from St Pius X and joining Mater Maria Catholic College, at Warriewood for just one year.  We look forward to your return in 2025 and hopefully we will be able to maintain the high standards you have set while you are away. 


To Mr Rick Russo.  Over the past 30 years you have called St Pius X your home. During this time, you have been a pivotal person in the lives of so many young people as the College counsellor and Chaplin.  Your work around student mental health has been profound.  You have established many mental health initiatives that I know will continue supporting all our students.  The Boxercise program, for example, continues with the great support of Mr Naidoo and our student leaders.  I know the decision to retire was a difficult one for you but it is the right decision for your family who you love very much.  Please know that you will be missed, and the college landscape will not be the same without you.


To Mr Mark Casey.  Thank you for your words of inspiration as our keynote speaker.  You shared many words that will resonate with me and the College community, not only in 2024, but for years to come.  Mr Casey has been a stalwart of everything that is St Pius.  Through your constant commitment to the students, staff and families you have embedded yourself into the traditions and history of the College. Who will forget the pink cap and the fluorescent green vest in the yard and how can we forget that ‘St Pius does not wind down but rather we wind up’?  Mr Casey, thanks for all the memories.  Please know that your presence around the College will be truly missed next year.


Mr Brannan, Mr Russo and Mr Casey you all have been loyal and faithful servants of St Pius X, and the College owes so much to you for this service.  You are all legends of the College. I would like to invite our 2024 College Captain Quinton Crispe to farewell you on behalf of the student body and invite you to the stage to be acknowledged by Quinton and the St Pius X community.


I would like to take this time to thank all those members of our staff who will not be returning to St Pius X in 2024. Thank you to each and everyone one of you, for being committed and dedicated supporters of the St Pius way during your time with us.  May you be blessed as you travel into the next stage of your journey and remember you will always be welcomed at St Pius X College.


At the beginning of year, I stated that each new year provides you with great optimism and opportunity. The end of the school then allows all of us to reflect and evaluate how the year went. So, when you look at your scorecard, your statistics or your report:


HOW did you go? 

Did you achieve your goals? 

Were you the best version of yourself? 

Did you raise the bar? 

Did you seize the day?

So many questions, that you, and only you can answer.


Whether you did achieve your goals or not, YOU had, and continue to have, the power to liberate your heart and mind so that you can be inspired, empowered and ‘hope-filled’ and seek to make 2024 a more successful year. 


Therefore, as we conclude the 2023 school year, let us all, staff, students and parents, ensure we continue to walk together, shoulder to shoulder, with pride, dedication, perseverance and the willingness to be authentic listeners in readiness for next year. 


Our College motto ‘Fide et Labore' constantly reminds us  that we, as members of St Pius X College, must remain faithful and work hard for our community, for the wider Catholic community and for ourselves especially in the service of others.


Once again, congratulations to all our award recipients and may each of you experience the joy and peace of the Advent season.

May Jesus live in your hearts … forever.'

Following are some photos of the day.

Feast of Immaculate Conception - Friday 8 December

Over the centuries, it was commonly believed that Mary, as the mother of Jesus, was without sin.  This view was formalised by Pope Pius IX when he defined the dogma in 1854 after consulting the bishops of the world.   The annual solemnity is celebrated on 8 December, nine months before the feast of Mary’s birth on 8 September.  In 1858, Our Lady appeared to St Bernadette at Lourdes and identified herself as the Immaculate Conception, thus confirming the dogma proclaimed 4 years earlier. 

'O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.'

Farewell and thank you

I would like to thank Miss Beryl Li for her contribution to the Language Department in 2023.  Miss Li has been instrumental in supporting Mrs Lee with Chinese throughout the year.  We wish Miss Li all the success at her new school in 2024.

College going cashless

I wish to inform you about a necessary change that will be implemented at our college starting in 2024. We have decided to transition to a cashless system to streamline operations and enhance security.

From the start of 2024, the college will no longer accept cash payments for any transactions on campus. This includes tuition fees, event tickets, canteen, and uniform shop purchases.

Students can pay using Flexischools or debit cards for canteen purchases. (See link to set up an account)

Payments via credit/debit cards will be accepted for uniform purchases, along with BPAY & BPOINT for online tuition fee payments.

Thank you for your continued support in creating a secure and safe learning environment for our students.

Movember campaign into week four – the end is here

The Movember campaign concluded last week. Our donations were amazing. Thank you to everyone who supported and donated to this great cause.  Having the senior students involved this year was a great addition to making all students aware of men’s mental health, testicular cancer and prostrate cancer and how this could affect any male in our lives.

Christmas Reading

Ms Fryar shared with me a list of books that may interest parents as gifts for their sons. The SPX English Department understands! 

If you are stuck for quality, engaging gift ideas, look no further than this list below of new releases for 2023, as well as suggestions from the ‘oldies but goodies’ list – tried and true books for boys.

I thank Ms Fryar and the English Department for their suggestions.

Important dates for the commencement of the 2024 school year

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal