Faith and Mission

From the Mission and Identity Team
“A happy Christmas to you all and many of them, that you may gladden the hearts of all who love you, my dear children, is the wish and prayer of your affectionate old Mother, Mary Gonzaga Barry”.
– M Gonzaga Barry, “Eucalyptus Blossoms’ Dec. 1888 –
A Reflection on the Nativity
The Christmas season was a favourite of the sisters, and in particular of Mother Gonzaga Barry’s. It must have been a strange for the Irish sisters to experience their first Christmas away from home, the weather and the loneliness would have felt alien to them. With them, they brought the tradition of the crib, and on Christmas Eve would have placed the Baby Jesus in the manger.
The nativity scene is one of the most recognised symbols of the Christian faith it unfolds a scene of simplicity and grace. In a quiet place, the story begins with Mary and Joseph, figures of strength and unwavering faith. Mary, the young and devout mother, radiates serenity as she cradles the newborn Jesus in her arms. Her eyes reflect both the joy of motherhood and the weight of the responsibility entrusted to her. Joseph stands by her side, a protective figure. This ordinary scene becomes a sacred space. The nativity scene brings a sense of peace and quiet awe. It invites contemplation and reflection, urging us to recognise the extraordinary in the ordinary and to appreciate the transformative power of faith and love. It displays a message of hope, humility, and the possibilities that arise when the sacred meets with the everyday, something that Mary Ward encouraged us all to do, to seek God in ordinary experiences of Life.
A year ‘wrapped’ up!
As we approach the end of another enriching year at Loreto, it's time to reflect on the spiritual milestones and social justice initiatives that have shaped our community.
Throughout the year, we've gathered in unity and reverence during whole school Masses, Chapel Masses, and liturgies, each a testament to our collective faith and commitment to spiritual growth.
Monday mornings in the junior school began with a gathering of all in a liturgy that focuses on liturgical and global events. Year-level Prayer Leaders, inducted in Term 1, facilitated these liturgies. This is a big commitment where students took a leadership role, leading processions, singing, and read for a wonderful uplifting start to each week. Supported by Liturgy leaders who set up the hall and ran the PowerPoint and music these students commit to ensuring that a reverent, peaceful place is prepared.
A heartfelt thank you goes to all our students across the Senior and Junior Schools for their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts in fostering a deeper spiritual connection within our school.
Beyond our Liturgical life, our Social Justice Leaders have been instrumental in coordinating various initiatives aimed at making a positive impact on our wider community. The recent St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal stands as a testament to their compassion and commitment to serving those in need. Their efforts, alongside other social justice initiatives undertaken this year, like ‘Purple Day’ for Caritas’ Project Compassion and the St Ignatius Parish Morning Teas, reflect the core values of empathy and solidarity that we strive to instil in our students.
As we conclude this year, let us carry forward the lessons learned, the bonds strengthened, and the spirit of giving that has defined our collective efforts. We express our heartfelt appreciation to all those who have contributed to our liturgical events and social justice initiatives, as your dedication has truly made a difference.
Wishing you all a restful and joyous holiday season filled with peace and blessings.
End of Year Mass
It was with joy and sadness that we gathered for our End of Year Mass to celebrate the year that has been and to wish well Dr Nicole Archard on the next part of her journey.
The final mass was celebrated by Fr Chris Jenkins, where we focused on the true meaning of Christmas, that of Joy and Peace and to be thankful for all that we have. The Gospel was read by our Junior Students who also presented a dramatisation of the Nativity to help us to reflect on the words that we heard.
Our students sang beautifully and lined the aisles in a guard of honour in tribute to our Principal Dr Archard. Thank you, Dr Archard, for your support and devotion to the Liturgical life over the past 7 and a half years at Loreto Marryatville.
Student leaders unite in Ballarat
In November our 2024 Head Girls and Deputy Head girls, Fearne, Bree, Holly and Alice, spent time with their fellow Leaders from all Loreto School across Australia at the LSAC Student Leadership Conference. The conference was held in Ballarat at the site of our first Loreto school in Australia. The girls spent time, immersing themselves in understanding the 2024 value of Sincerity to be able to share this with their peers. They also shared ideas about what it is to be a leader in our Loreto Schools. The girls were also witness to the Inauguration of Loreto Ministries, MPJP and the Commissioning of the Steward Directors. The inauguration of the MPJP is a significant moment in the history of Loreto school in Australia, and it was wonderful that our girls were there to see this take place.
Our 2024 Leaders had a wonderful time, making connections and strengthening bonds across our Loreto Schools network. We can’t wait to see how they will bring the value of Sincerity to life next year!