Learning Across the 

Junior School

Year 5 Robot Exploration

Last week the Year 5s were incredibly lucky to be joined by Mr Tim Bond, our school's Robot Master in a Technology exploration experience. The students became experts with our Vex Robots and learnt how to move , code and expand the robots themselves. It was such an exciting day and ignited the engineers inside the girls! 

Ms Isabelle Zappia and Ms Esther San Miguel

Year 5 Teachers

Code Camp - December and January Intake

Learn to code with DreamWorks Trolls these December and January school holidays.


Save $50 by using the coupon code: SCHOOL50 at checkout. More information in the flyer below:

OSHC - December Edition

As we enter the final term of the year, we are very excited to be offering summer holiday Out of School Hours Care to our Junior School families. Camp Australia will once again be offering a fantastic Rocketeers Holiday Program starting from Friday 8 December - Friday 22 December and back again on Monday 8 January through until Thursday 25 January.


Download the flyer below for more information on what's included. Visit https://www.campaustralia.com.au/rocketeers to book.

Junior School Chess Club

Congratulations to all of the students to joined the Junior School Chess Club this year. It was been wonderful to watch the students develop their chess skills and play with such great sportsmanship. Well done to our Term 4 Tournament winners: First Place - Kate L, Second Place - Georgia A, Third Place - Ivy D and to the winner of the sportsmanship award, Sarah P. 

Mrs Claire Derrington

R-6 Teacher

Year 1 Showcase

On Wednesday afternoon our Year One Students had their final 'showcase' for the year. There was a buzz of excitement in the air, as the students presented, to the parents, their learning from this term. The students took their parents to the computer room to show off their word processing skills on PowerPoint, they played mental computation games and shared their learning journey through the sharing their work books. It was a wonderful celebration of learning, a lovely way to finish of the year! 

Mrs Claire Derrington & Ms Georgia Eliades

Year 1 Showcase

Year 6 STEM Day

While the rest of the Junior School was enjoying their Moving Up day, our Year 6 students came across to the Senior School to participate in a series of STEM-focussed experiences.


In the Lumination Lab with Ms Martin, the Year 6’s used our new Virtual Reality goggles to become immersed in multiple different worlds. They experienced what it would be like to go swimming with sharks inside a shark cage, riding on a rollercoaster, and sitting in  Santa Clause's sleigh on Christmas Eve! The students' design thinking skills were then put to the test during a tower construction challenge. This challenge required students to work as a team to brainstorm and create a tower from pop-sticks and clips. The winning team was the group that constructed the tallest tower stable enough to withstand the 'poke test'. 


With Mr Baker and Ms Hains the students were tasked with making a solar oven using a limited number of resources. A solar oven uses the energy of the sun to heat food. In groups, students planned and designed their own ovens as part of a competition to see who could cook food most efficiently. The students considered how to direct and reflect the most sunlight into the oven, how to focus this energy and how to trap the heat. All groups were able to melt and toast their chocolate smores and some were able to partially fry an egg. 


In Robotics with Mr Bond, our Year 6s’ got their hands on our new robotics kits and explored how to operate the robots and program them to follow a sequence of steps. Students were given a challenge to attach a light sensor and electromagnet so that the robot could be programmed to pick up and drop a coloured puck. 


The day was a huge success. Our Year 6 students had a great time participating in the challenges and experiencing several of our innovative technologies.


Mr Baker, Mr Bond, Ms Hains, Ms Martin

Kelly Sports Term 1 2024

Kelly Sports dates for 2024 run on Tuesdays from 6 February to 26 March. Please download the flyer below for more information.

Year 4 and VR Technology

In Year 4 classrooms, students had the opportunity to experience an ocean rift using virtual reality (VR) technology. The immersive VR experience allowed the students to visualize and interact with the underwater world in a completely new and captivating way.

The students put on the VR goggles and were transported to the depths of the ocean. They were surrounded by a vibrant coral reef, teeming with life. As they swam through the crystal-clear waters, they could see schools of fish darting around, turtles gliding gracefully, and dolphins playing in the waves.


The VR experience further enhanced the students' understanding of ocean ecosystems. They learned about the different marine animals that inhabit the reef, their adaptations, and their roles in maintaining the balance of the ocean. Through interactive quizzes and virtual experiments, they were able to explore the concept of biodiversity and its impact on the overall health of the reef.


In addition to the educational benefits, the VR experience also provided students with a fun and engaging way to learn. They had the opportunity to virtually interact with the animals, feed them, and even take selfies with the dolphins. The VR goggles provided a sense of presence and realism that made the experience even more immersive.

The use of VR in a year 4 classroom not only enhanced the students' understanding of ocean ecosystems but also sparked their curiosity and passion for learning. As they experienced the beauty and diversity of the ocean, they became more aware of its importance and the responsibility we have to protect it. The VR experience served as a valuable tool in igniting a love for science and nature.

Ms Catherine Boots

Year 4 Teacher