Sowing the SEADs of Success

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing & Engagement
In the year of ‘Justice’ throughout 2023, our girls have been invited to be active participants in bringing harmony to their lives and the lives of others.
It is a privilege to educate young women in a Loreto school, working with exceptional teachers, mentors, psychologists, health care professionals and Leaders of Wellbeing and Academic Care, to enhance our student’s wellbeing and engagement at school. This detailed support network allows the girls to enhance their leadership skills, self-efficacy and agency, but introspectively form a positive identity of themselves, accept themselves and develop their individual values.
The SEAD wellbeing program has focused on 6 main areas; resilience, kindness and empathy, social and emotional intelligence, authentic relationships, responsible online engagement and identity, and sense of purpose. In 2023, we have provided our girls with a range of opportunities during a significant time in their growth and development.
Let’s look back at the highlight reel of 2023.
- Spontaneous mosh pit at the ‘Performing Arts Festival’ with the Loreto Rock Band.
- Inaugural Inter-col netball match Loreto vs Mary Mackillop College
- 3 nights of exceptional performances at the Cabaret
- Flinders Ranges Camp including a morning sunrise hike over Ikara Ranges
- Year 6 Canberra trip which allowed the Junior school girls to develop independence as they travel to the Australian Capital Territory
- Leadership Handover and Year 12 Graduation including Rose-Giving
- R-6 Junior School Disco and Year 7 and 8 Disco with invited students from neighbouring schools
- R-3 Norwood Christmas Pageant and ELC – Year 6 Christmas Concert
- Catherine House donations to the Women’s shelter for International Women’s Day
- Spirit, energy, participation, and passion at EVERY College event
Our SEAD program is built on the notion of student voice, exemplified in the data analysis which assists with our understanding of our students and student issues. Our weekly Pulse check-in is instrumental to ensure there are “no invisible children”.
I was fortunate to present our SEAD program with Dr Nicole Archard at the International Coalition of Girls Schools conference in Hobart earlier this year. I spoke with Megan Murphy, the Executive Director of the International Coalition of Girls Schools, about the importance of an all-girls education and more importantly, the impact the learning environment has on student wellbeing and engagement. Our award winning SEAD program is specifically designed for sequential growth and development, and acknowledges the phases of a girl’s transition from childhood to young adulthood. Megan commented that:
All-girls educational environments negate this societal norm by providing opportunities for girls during a critical time in their growth and development. Not only do girls receive a wealth of avenues for self-exploration and development, they also see a wealth of peer role models. Girls need to ‘see it, to be it’ to make them more aware of the possibilities in their own lives and help set them on their own brilliant paths.
—Megan Murphy, Executive Director, National Coalition of Girls’ Schools
We have multiple opportunities for “self-exploration and development” in our daily lives at Loreto College. Our mentoring and “buddy” opportunities are invaluable across the College, for the development of peer relationships and helps to create a sisterhood like no other. Our co-curricular and outdoor education programs ensure girls are given the opportunity to develop holistically through the foundations of personal wellbeing and success. Girls can balance academic studies with a wide range of cocurricular activities including ACER Global Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Ethics Olympiad, Tournament of Minds, Debating, Music and Generations in Jazz, Sport, Public Speaking, ICAS competitions, Mock Trials, and Environment Club, to name a few.
Working closely with the Year 12 Executive Leaders, I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication these girls have demonstrated in 2023, creating positive culture at the College. Head Girl Tahlia Warner with Deputy Head Girls, India Lange and Hallie Anderson, performed well beyond their scope to guarantee our Mary Ward values were seen across the College, and always generously gave of their time to serve others.
Our students are the heart of our school and with growing enrolments we are committed to providing the girls with opportunities for learning in the areas of study skills, e-safety, drug and alcohol education, sleep hygiene, friendship skills, safe online engagement, modelling positive self-image and making decisions based on their values. I look forward to working with all areas of our College in 2024, to continue to create a vibrant and inspiring place to learn.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and blessed Christmas and festive holiday season. I especially look forward to welcoming you all back in 2024, celebrating the year of Sincerity together.
I would also like to personally thank and farewell Dr Nicole Archard whom I have worked with since she started 7 ½ years ago, at Loreto College Marryatville. I will miss your friendship, leadership and daily reminders to be a school of choice and a school of excellence, committed to girls’ education! Your legacy will not be forgotten.
May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Ms Emma Searle
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement
From the Psychological Service
As the school year draws to an end it is important to continue to support your young person’s wellbeing during the holidays. Please see this handy sheet from Headspace which outlines useful information and strategies.
If you have any specific concerns about your child or young person during the holidays, please seek professional or medical help. As a reminder here are other services which are available.
As the school year starts and you have any specific concerns about your child or young person, please contact your daughter’s Classroom Teacher, or Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor Teacher in the Senior School.
The Psychological Service wishes all Loreto families a safe and restful holiday break and a happy new year. See you in 2024.
Monica Bignold
Lead College Psychologist R-12
Boarding Life
Kelly Bregantic, Meg Van Hooten and I had the priveledge in attending the IYLP graduation in Sydney on the 2nd December. It was a true proud moment and thrill to watch five of our Loreto girls and boarders get up on stage to accept their graduations certificates from the CEO and general manager of The Smith Family . Congratulations to Deontae Greenoff, Keneesha Lee, Tahnee Henderson, Hannah Avlonitis & Tayla Waterbury, they all represented Loreto Marryatville with confidence and grace.
Its quite strange walking around the empty boarding house, walls and rooms empty & dining hall bare, knowing that when we return in January the Boarding House will be looking very different from the refurbishment works that are currently and soon to be taking place. Can't wait.
In closing I wish to thank all our wonderful boarders, families, staff and all the extra very special people that help our boarders out throughout the year. It takes a large village, and we certainly have a wonderful village and community to be very proud of.
May everyone have a joyous Christmas and well earned break. Take care and see you next year!
Mrs Tia Wiese
Director of Boarding
2025 Scholarships Now Open
Loreto girls are strong, passionate, confident and ethically minded. We create women leaders of tomorrow. Provide your daughter with the opportunity of a Loreto education and apply now for our 2025 Scholarships.
Applications are now open for Academic, All-Rounder, All-Rounder Boarding, Music and the Gonzaga Barry Full Bursary Scholarship.
Link below to read more and apply.