From the Principal 

Dr Nicole Archard

Thank you and Farewell

I cannot believe that I am writing my last newsletter article. The last seven and a half years at Loreto College Marryatville has brought me great joy. I absolutely love this school and everything that it sands for. I know that at the Awards Evening this week I was able to thank the community for the support I have been given over this time, however, I would like to do it again here in writing. 


I am forever grateful that I was given the opportunity to lead such an outstanding and beautiful school, one that is true to its Loreto charism, is dedicated to excellence in the delivery of education, and importantly, is focussed on the love and care of its students. 


I love that our girls are strong, that they have voice, and that they know how to use this. I know that some parents have expressed to me over the years that sometimes they are challenged by this – our girls know how to hold a well-argued and passionate debate 😊. This perhaps explains why there are so many Loreto women across Australia who enter politics. 


Our girls – and they have always been ‘our girls’, not yours or mine but ours together - our girls that we jointly raise to be courageous and strong. Our girls continue to inspire me, and they have certainly made me a better leader, they constantly challenge me to be my best and hold me accountable to that. I love spending time with the girls, whether this is when I’m on playground duty, attending Junior School Liturgy every Monday morning, or playing ‘scissors, paper, rock’ – or as they like to call it, ‘rock, paper, scissors’, (who knew there was such a cultural divide between NSW and SA), with the whole Senior School at assembly. These times always made me laugh and were the highlights of my day.


So, it is now time to say goodbye but most importantly, it is time to say thank you. I will miss Loreto College Marryatville desperately and I know I will think about you every day and how you have shaped me. I will continue watching from a distance. God bless, and all my love… 


Dr Nicole Archard
