First Steps Centre

Term 4 Dates:

  • Wednesday 6th December: Whole school Christmas Concert 
    • BBQ available 4.30 - 6.00 only
    • Kinder Perform 5.30 - 5.45
    • School Perform 6.00- 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 13th December: Dharug last day and Christmas concert
  • Thursday 14th December: Marram and Gawarn last day and Christmas concert
  • Friday 15th December: Budja and Wimbi last day and Christmas concert

Kinder Family Christmas Party

Thank you for joining us at Heatherdale Bowls Club last Sunday! It was wonderful to connect with our lovely families. Our children very much enjoyed the bowling and BBQ and were still talking about it during the week.


  • Exploring symmetry in construction play
  • Learning about mirror images on paper (arts and design)       
  • Continued with the making of Christmas craft (follow instructions and build awareness of working sequences)


  • Exploring Christmas craft (fine motor, hand-eye coordination, engaging with colours, shapes, textures, and text)
  • Singing songs for our end-of-year concerts

Have an amazing weekend!

The Kinder Team