Mindful of Microbats

By James Mathews (Head of Environmental Studies) 


Microbats are fascinating creatures that are the size of the palm of your hands. They are all around us and are quiet flyers so you would never know when one would pass you. There are more than 60 species of them in Australia including the ghost bat with super long ears and the very local white-striped freetail bat. 


In Year 2 Environmental Studies lessons we have been studying Microbats and their habitats. We have discovered these beautiful creatures play an important role in pollinating our beautiful large trees. The sad story is that with urban development we are often removing hollowed out trees that are their homes. It's important to keep our families safe by the removal of these trees near our houses, schools and community areas, so Year 2 decided we need to do our bit in replacing homes for these valuable creatures.


So with the help of Mr Kenny, Mr Scampton, some helpful year 11s and year 9s, year 2 have constructed 26 microbat nesting boxes. These nesting boxes are to be hung at different locations around the school to provide new homes for microbat boxes to have new homes, to increase biodiversity in our community and protect God's wonderful creation.  


CSEN Robotics - What's the Buzz?

By Timothy Sugumar (Year 5 Teacher) 


A few weeks ago our BHCS Year 5/6 engineers participated in CSEN Robotics, facilitated by BHCS past teacher Allen Dickson. This year's theme was 'Retro' and the students had to go waaay back to Junior Primary and their first introduction to robotics - The Beebot. Their challenge was to use LEGO's newest robotics platform - Spike Prime - to create their own Beebot so that it could move and perform functions in the same way as the original did. Then they could use the modern LEGO sensors and motors to make the Beebots do what they wished that it could. Check out their Bee-utiful creations!


Sunset Boulevard' with Year 12 English 

By Clare Jerram (Learning Area Coordinator for English) 


Yesterday, our Year 12 English students embarked on an excursion to the Cameo Theatre in Belgrave, immersing themselves in the timeless allure of the film, 'Sunset Boulevard.' We viewed Billy Wilder's cinematic masterpiece on the big screen, as it was intended to be viewed. ‘Sunset Boulevard’ weaves a narrative that explores the illusions of fame, the consequences of ambition, and the intricate dance between reality and illusion in 1950s Hollywood. As Gloria Swanson's portrayal of the faded star Norma Desmond and William Holden's nuanced performance captivated the students, the excursion served not only as a delightful outing but as an engaging experience that will define our text study in the coming year.

VCE Product Design: Wall Art creation for the Tech-building

Inspired by Bauhaus, Art Deco, and Organic Design, this hands-on project enhanced both design skills and collaborative problem-solving abilities.  The Tech building became a canvas for students to contribute to its visual identity. We think it looks amazing! 

Victorian State Relay Championships!

On December 16th, Jai (Year 2) will compete in the 2023/24 Commonwealth Bank Victorian State Relay Championships.


From the start of the season, Jai set himself the goal of improving his personal best at his local Little Athletics club. Jai's best times for his 200m and 400m races saw him placed towards the top of his club, which enabled him to compete in the Regional Relay Championships on Saturday, November 18th. At the Regionals, Jai and three teammates came second (out of 8 teams) in the 200m relay. Their finishing time qualified them for state relays at Albert Park Lake in mid-December. 


Congratulations, Jai! We are cheering you on and are so proud of your outstanding achievements!