BY JULIETTE KRENS  (Systems & Compliance Manager / PA to the Principal)  

December is typically one of the busiest months of the year. In schools, we are finalising the current year's activities while preparing for the upcoming year. The retail industry is bustling with last-minute Christmas shoppers, and supermarkets are getting ready for those on the hunt for festive foods for their Christmas gatherings. Postal and courier services are actively delivering a variety of packages, and communities and families are making plans to connect with friends and loved ones. There seems to be a flurry of activity everywhere you turn.


I must admit that automatically finding joy in the Christmas season is a challenge for me. Often, I become entangled in the busyness of it all, focusing on all the required tasks. Unfortunately, this mindset can sometimes lead to a desire for the Christmas season to be over before it has even begun. In the moments when I allow myself to reflect, I contemplate the true meaning of Christmas for us as Christians. 


I am reminded of the countless times God has demonstrated His love for me, helping me to navigate challenging situations. In these moments there is this deep knowledge that I would never have experienced this love without the gift of God's son, Jesus. 


For Christians, Jesus is central to our Christmas celebrations. His birth embodies hope, not just for the present but also for eternity, empowering us to stand firm amid life's storms.


My heartfelt prayer is that every individual connected to our school community, may find peace and joy amidst the hustle and bustle of the season, while discovering hope despite all the challenges that may arise in the world. May your Christmas season be filled with warmth, kindness, blessings and a multitude of miracles. Enjoy being present in the moment and taking some time for you. We look forward to seeing you all return in 2024.