
Physical Education, The Arts, STEAM, French

Physical Education

Students from years 3 to 6 enjoyed taking part in a Cheerleading clinic last Friday. They learned about bases, fliers, 'stunting' (lifting people off the ground) and how to keep themselves and their team members safe.  

Over the past couple of weeks the junior school have been focusing on hand eye coordination and balance. 


Visual Arts

The Year Four’s have had a wonderful time in recent weeks creating ‘ugly’ felt toys. The students designed and created their own original and individual toy. They practised the skills of threading needles, sewing on buttons, and sewing with running and whip stitch.  They produced some fantastic creatures as you can see from the photos.

After the toys were complete the students experimented with digital image editing techniques. Using a greenscreen effect they made pictures showing their toys visiting famous world landmarks or participating in activities.



Next Thursday, November 30th, will be an exciting day for all the students. They will be split into their house groups and will participate in four fun rotations. They will learn about the life and books of famous French author, Jules Verne. They will watch a food Masterclass and will taste a delicious dessert afterwards. They will also practise playing the elastics, which is an activity loved by French students during recess. 


Students are encouraged to wear the French colours that day: a striped, blue, white or red T-shirt. The most creative ones (or should I say 'the bravest'?!) might even choose to come dressed up as Jules Verne!!  I look forward to seeing them all at school to enjoy a fun morning all together.


In class, the Prep students  are doing revisions of farm animals and are starting to learn the names of pets. This is the new topic for Year 1 students too.


In Year 2, the students are applying their counting skills to learn how to write an address:

In Years 3 and 4, the students are playing various games to revise vocabulary and grammatical rules learnt earlier this year and in previous years.


The students in Years 5/6 have finished their portfolio task. They demonstrated their ability to write a variety of questions/answers to describe drawings. Some students challenged themselves by drawing and describing their own scene. With this task, they also practiced conjugating simple verbs in the present tense.



After reading, A Good Day for a Hat, the preps have been designing their own party hats!


Grade 1 and 2 have been redesigning something of their choice from the school environment. They have some wonderful ideas!