Student Awards

Student of the Week

6 November 2023



For starting to write simple sentences and sounding out the words to check they are written correctly. Wonderful effort Ashley!



For his persistence in working towards his learning goal of challenging himself in maths. Well done, Shaunak!



For her beautifully written and thoughtful Haiku poetry. Sasha, your control over your thematic choices and syllable rhythms was wonderful. Keep up the excellent work! 



For his personal independence and endeavour during swimming. Fantastic effort, Alex!



For confidently sharing your keen observations and understandings during our erosion investigation. Awesome effort Olivia!



For consistently challenging and extending himself in his learning and demonstrating personal excellence. Keep up the excellent work, Matheus!



For utilising a range of impressive strategies when solving very challenging problems. You are a highly competent mathematician, Olivia!


Language Specialist Award  YEAR 2

For using patterns learnt in class to be able to correctly name any French number between one and one hundred. Well done, Grade 2!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 3  ~

For their cooperation when participating in the dry land swimming activities.


Mathematic Specialist Award YEAR 5/6A  ~

For their inquisitive questions and consistent contributions during maths discussions.


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 3  ~

For their enthusiasm and critical thinking skills about what happens to objects when they're warmed, cooled or frozen.

13 November 2023


For independently creating an original cinquain poem, ‘Ruler’. So proud of your improvement in writing!



For his thought-provoking cinquain poem about the reality an Iranian citizen might be living under. Poetry is a powerful tool, Dayyan, and you did a fantastic job bringing your feelings to the life!



For a great effort in an information report cold write and being able to set new writing goals. Well done, Osmond!



For your insightful and beautifully written summary of 'The Sweetest Fig' Awesome work Jeremiah!



For taking initiative and displaying excellent teamwork skills when collaborating on her Inquiry project. Keep being amazing, Tiasha!



For confidently asking questions in order to further his knowledge and consistently showing respect towards his peers. 


Language Specialist Award  YEAR 3

For their excellent team work when guessing the missing letters in French numbers and colours. Well done Year 3! 


Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 1 ~

For doing an amazing job working with a 3D media, dyed dry pasta, and being very responsible with their glue application.


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 4

For showing creativity and amazing teamwork when performing their 1-minute plays.


20 November 2023


For using detailed descriptive language when writing his colour poem. Very creative, Callum!



For her evocative use of figurative language in her descriptive colour poem. The simile in your poem, 'Red', was well-constructed. Terrific work, Lucia!



For her persistence in understanding the concept of area and perimeter.



For consistently challenging and extending herself in her learning and demonstrating personal excellence. You are a superstar Leela!



For extending herself in her learning and consistently completing tasks to an excellent standard. Keep up the fantastic work, Cassidy!


Language Specialist Award  YEAR 4

For remembering a range of animal and food vocabulary to play the game of goose. Well done everyone!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 5/6A  ~

For working cooperatively in groups to design and implement successful fitness plans.


Mathematic Specialist Award YEAR 3  ~

For following instructions and working hard to complete set tasks.