RE News
Dear Families,
It is with a heavy heart that I share my last newsletter with you. After more years than I care to admit, I have decided to retire. After beginning teaching in 1984 as a young graduate to now, I have seen so many changes, experienced so many wonderful things and met so many amazing people. Throughout it all, it has been the children who have been the most amazing.
I have learnt so much and hope in some small way that I have contributed to the growth and development of the students I have taught. I have loved my time as REL and hope that I have helped to make learning about their faith a fun and meaningful experience for the students and you their families. I have tried to emphasise the importance of having a deep relationship with God and encouraged the students to share the love of God with others. I hope as they grow and become independent that this relationship will grow with them.
Advent – Waiting for our Saviour
It’s hard to believe that another year is ending so soon. There is a feeling of excitement all around the school and classrooms are being decorated with symbols of Advent and Christmas.
Our recent Christmas Carols concert was such a beautiful way to celebrate the beginning of Advent and the Christmas season. We shared the message of Christmas through a dialogue between Jesus and Santa. Through this dialogue we discovered that both Jesus and Santa want the same outcomes for the world. We also learnt the real meaning behind Christmas – we are celebrating the birth of the Saviour. A saviour who was sent by God to spread peace and love to all the world.
The students did an amazing job, especially those who learnt their lines and acted out their parts in the play. Special mention to Ria and Rani who worked really hard to get their message across as Jesus and Santa and delivered the message of Christmas with true meaning.
Each level contributed by telling the story through song, singing both traditional and contemporary Christmas carols. Thank you to Imogen and the teachers for their wonderful preparation with the students. The singing was amazing, and it was such a happy evening. It was great to see parents and families join in and sing along as well. Thank you to everyone who contributed to make this evening so special.
The message of Christmas is so very important this year as we see the world struggling and the joy and peace that should be surrounding people all over the world is being eroded. We all pray that the love of Jesus can find a way to bring about this peace, especially for the children all around the world who have a right to feel safe and loved.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy Christmas with your family and friends.
I also wish our departing students the very best of luck in the future. May you carry the love of Jesus and St. Joseph the Worker with you wherever you go. I certainly will and will always be grateful for the very happy years I spent here.
God Bless ~ Pauline Turnbull REL