Message from Fr Manny

A Message for St. Joseph the Worker Primary School North Reservoir (7.12.2023)
On this last week of our school year 2023, I greet you all: Maria, School Staff, leaders, teachers, students, parents, guardians, and families, my thoughts of blessings and prayers are with you all. With great joy and with much appreciation I wish to congratulate Maria who this year has completed her eight years contract as our School Principal and now it has been renewed for a further five years. We thank Maria for leading the school positively with great skills of Education and Faith during the variety of experiences and even some challenges in these past eight years. I am very much grateful to Maria for showing to me great respect, seeking always that we have a very good communication as Parish Priest and Principal, we certainly always worked together. Well, done Maria, I look forward to continuing our good communication, and through your great leadership our school continue to grow in respect, education and faith. Let us all look forward to working together in collaboration with Maria’s dedicated good leadership and so many skills.
This year I wish to say a particular thank you to the whole school for celebrating my 40th anniversary as a priest with a special Assembly and with the many best wishes written on special cards. Congratulations to all the students who this year received the sacraments of Penance (First Reconciliation), First Eucharist and Confirmation. Best wishes and many blessings to all of them and their families that they may continue believing in God’s giving grace in each sacrament and in our daily life.
With the celebrations of the sacraments, we acknowledge that every person is important and very precious to our God. As a community let us value everyone’s life and let us be grateful for one another and let us care for one another. As we have just celebrated the Grade 6s graduation I wish them well that they receive more joy and blessings in the future as they enter into the secondary school. I Thank you all for the great work you do as a community. I look forward to gathering in the church next week for our end of year Mass.
My Thanks to all for working together and trying our best to make Jesus Real. The Advent Theme Words on The Banner in the Church are:
Advent 23, Come Lord Jesus You Are Our Hope As We Walk Together In Faith. May we look at the child Jesus, the God with us, who gives hope once again to every person on the face of the earth. I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year and may the holidays be for you all an enjoyable time. St Joseph the Worker: Pray for us!
Blessings to you all.
Manny Bonello.