Student Advisory Committee

School Advisory Committee
Throughout 2023 our School Advisory Committee has been a great connection to our community in supporting myself and our leadership team. Their input and advice has ensured our school goals have been met.
Several members are retiring from our committee so we have ?? places to be filled.
The School Advisory provides a forum for discussion and discernment where parent voice and community perspectives are available to inform and support decisions made by myself and our leadership team. This can be enacted in the following ways;
- Supporting St Anne’s vision
- Supporting our school policies and provide feedback when they are reviewed
- Be aware of our School Improvement Plan and Annual Action Plans so as to be able to inform the community about our goals and strategies to ensure school improvement is paramount in all decisions being made
- Promote the faith formation and development at St Anne’s
- Be a voice and sounding board for our parent community to ensure all decisions being made are supportive of all
I would like to thank our 2023 members;
PC Grobler, Gayle D’Amico, Kat Taylor, Rachel Bingham, Rose Jelinic, Sarah Loversidge, Hayley Giuliano and Simone Watson.
If you are interested in joining our SAC please email me at