
We pray that during this season of Advent and Christmas the hearts of all people are warmed by Jesus’ birth so that every hand is compelled to make peace on earth.
We pray that the homeless and refugees are welcomed and sheltered within our community.
We pray that humankind walks tenderly as stewards upon this earth in all its beauty, making wise and ethical choices regarding the sustainability of our planet.
We pray the least, the lost, and the lonely ones find comfort through companionship and are valued in the belief that they belong as a part of the community.
We pray that we find contentment not in the material things we receive but
in the gift of loving and giving where there is a need.
We pray that indifferences that divide people are overcome and unity is established.
We pray that the wounds of injustice are healed through reconciliation.
May all people take time to revel in the gift of Christmas, allowing it to last longer than one day. May it endure in the hearts of all people inspiring each day to be lived the Christmas way - each day filled with joy, hope, love, and generosity. We ask this through Christ our Lord.