Ways of Being Together, Wellbeing & Learning Diversity

Information & Latest News 

What does WELLBEING mean to you?

Wellbeing is a deeply personal and evolving concept, and its meaning can vary significantly from person to person. For some, wellbeing might be about physical health, feeling strong, energized, and capable of enjoying daily activities. For others, it might focus on mental and emotional balance, a sense of inner peace, or the ability to manage stress and uncertainty.


Ultimately, wellbeing is a holistic concept, reflecting the unique needs, values, and circumstances of each person. It’s about finding a balance that nurtures your body, mind, and spirit, and understanding that this balance may shift over time.


As the holiday season draws near, the excitement of Christmas can quickly give way to stress and busyness. Between school events, shopping, cooking, family gatherings and holiday preparations, it’s easy to lose sight of our own wellbeing in the midst of the hustle and bustle. Prioritising our wellbeing during this time is essential for truly enjoying the magic of this season.


What will you do this weekend for your own wellbeing?


Wishing everyone an enjoyable final couple of weeks of the 2024 school year. We are almost there!


Warm regards,



Erin Stone

Deputy Principal

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader (Prep - Year 2)



Kirstyn Morgan

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader (Year 3-6)



Andrea Finlay

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader
