Religious Education and Social Justice

Remembrance Day Reflection
On Monday we travelled to the Spotswood RSL for the Remembrance Day commemoration for the past soldiers and what they fought for.
It was a great experience for us to be able to have the opportunity to carry the flag, lay some flowers at the Cenotaph and pass on poppies for the fallen soldiers.
It was a beautiful ceremony and we loved meeting the veterans; one who we really enjoyed meeting was Major Gabbi. She had such an interesting story about her fight in Afghanistan and she showed us all of her medals and told us how she earned them. We also saw her uncle’s medals which she wore to commemorate him.
We’d just like to thank the Spotswood RSL for inviting us and Ms Wilkinson for taking us there.
Francesca and Elwood
School Leaders
Social Justice News: Zooper Dooper Fridays
As part of our Social Justice initiatives, our Social Justice Leaders will be selling Zooper Doopers at lunchtime on Fridays for the remainder of this term. The money raised will be donated to Catholic Mission and the Mary MacKillop Foundation to help support the wonderful work they do in working with people in need. Zooper Doopers cost $1.00 each.
Thank you for your support.
George and Mila
Social Justice Leaders
World Kindness Day
Wednesday 13th November is World Kindness Day. On this day we are invited to perform some random acts of kindness for others. Simple kind actions can make such a difference to someone's day, including our own, when we show someone we care about them.
Prayer for Kindness
Lord, help me to live your goodness and kindness each day. Remind me that my actions express who I am even more than my words. May I love as you love. Let me be good to those who wish me harm, forgive those who need forgiveness, and reach out in kindness to all I meet so they can experience the unconditional love of God. Amen
Jane Wilkinson
Religious Education Leader