School-wide Positive Behaviour Support
School-wide Positive Behaviour Support
School-wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) is an evidence-based school improvement approach which aims to create a positive and supportive learning environment for all students.
It involves teaching and reinforcing positive behaviours as well as providing targeted assistance to students who may need extra support.
“With this program, students are enthusiastic and passionate about studying and behaviour at school. We maximise the potential of each student.” – Year 7 student, 2024
“The SWPBS focus is a goal or aim that is told at the start of the lesson, sometimes it could be lining up quietly and sometimes it could be getting work done on time… by following the goal and completing it properly, you get awarded a green compass post this appears on compass and is like a reward for a good doing.” – Year 7 student, 2024
Acknowledgement systems
At Kambrya College we use Compass to acknowledge positive behaviours displayed around the school.
Where students demonstrate the college values of respect, integrity,compassion and achievement they may be awarded a green Compass post. Each post is worth one point and points accumulate across the year.
Starting 1 August 2024, a monthly raffle will be held where each green Compass post received during the month will equate to one entry. The raffle will be drawn at the end of every month and a $10 canteen voucher awarded to the winners (one from Junior School and one from Senior School).
Good luck!
Taylor Pearson
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program Leader