Principal's Message

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff and Community Members
Signing off on what has been an amazing 2024. It’s been a very big term four with so many special things to be able to reflect on and celebrate.
Year 12 Valedictory Evening
It was my pleasure to join our graduating Year 12 students at Bunjil Place a few weeks ago as they came together with their families to celebrate the end of their school journey. It was a fantastic night, and it was lovely to see all students sharing their special moment with their families. Massive thanks to all of the staff who went above and beyond to coordinate the evening, particularly the Senior School leadership team.
Exams and commencement program
All students from Year 7 to Year 12 completed their annual end of year exams. A huge congratulations to the students who prepared themselves and completed them to the best of their ability. We then launched and completed our four-week 2025 Commencement Program, which saw all students roll up to their new classes for 2025, including their new teachers. Sincere thanks to all teachers and support staff who have been working tirelessly to get the school ready for both of these important programs.
Teachers have been very busy finalising student assessments and reports. Semester two reports are now uploaded to Compass for all families. Please take the time to log on and have a look at your child’s learning progress.
Graduating Class of 2024
Congratulations to all of our Year 12 students who successfully completed their VCE, VCE VM or VPC in 2024. We are very proud of the wonderful young adults the class of 2024 have become and the resilience and commitment they have demonstrated, over the last two years in particular, as they completed their senior secondary certificates.
We would like to thank all the teaching and education support staff who have encouraged the educational journey of these students and the families and loved ones who have supported them at home.
We wish each and every student the very best as they enter the next chapter of their lives and look forward to hearing of their future achievements.
Once again, our VCE results were very strong. Our College median study score was 31 and 5.6% of our study scores were 40+, 14.6% of our students achieved an ATAR over 90 and 41.5% achieved an ATAR over 80. To have almost half of our students achieve an ATAR in the top 20% of the state is incredible.
Below, you will find the details of individual academic achievements of some of our students who have given us permission to share their results with the wider community.
Congratulations to Jordan Johnston
As a student, Jordan has embraced challenges and gained rewards both personally and academically, whilst improving skills and knowledge every step of the way. He is a highly disciplined student, proven by his willingness to seek and infuse feedback into his work, and the excellent quality of work that he has produced. He works seamlessly as part of a team, actively listening to peers and sharing valuable contributions, and is highly effective when leading a team, seeking and valuing each member’s opinions and ideas, and offering advice and guidance. He is a charismatic, kind and humble person with a great sense of humour and his positivity and resilience will take him far in life. Jordan is hoping to study IT and we have no doubt he will have a very successful future.
VCE Dux:
Congratulations to Kemuel Hutasoit who achieved an ATAR of 99.15
Kemuel is an articulate, perceptive, humble and hard-working young man. He has always shown gratitude for his teachers and the educational opportunities provided to him. He was a student who teachers absolutely loved to teach and had a unique way of making everyone else in the room feel valued, respected and an integral part in his own success. He accelerated into Unit 3 and 4 Biology as a year 11 student and achieved a study score of 46, placing him in the top 2% of the state. This year he achieved study scores of 37 in Specialist Mathematics, 39 in Mathematical Methods, 42 in Health & Human Development & Chemistry & 44 in English.
Considering his caring manner, we have no doubt that he will be incredibly successful in his future endeavours, with his aspirations in medicine.
Acting Principal: Martin McDonald
VCE Dux: Kemuel Hutasoit
VCE VM Dux: Jordan Johnston
Senior School Assistant Principal: Kelly Kinsella
40+ Study Scores:
Congratulations to the following students who achieved study scores of 40 or higher this year placing them in the top 9% of the state in their respective subjects.
Jesse Barnett | History Revolutions | 49 |
Shaun Ching | Business Management | 46 |
Aish Anand | Psychology | 46 |
Ella Symons | Health & Human Development | 45 |
Saif Qureshi | General Mathematics | 45 |
Lorinda McAliece | Visual Communication Design | 45 |
Kemuel Hutasoit | English | 44 |
Saskia Kirby | Music Contemporary Performance | 43 |
Niranjana Iyer | Music Contemporary Performance | 43 |
Lachlan Shepherd | Psychology | 43 |
Kemuel Hutasoit | Chemistry | 42 |
Lachlan Shepherd | English | 42 |
Diya Sudhir | Health & Human Development | 42 |
Kemuel Hutasoit | Health & Human Development | 42 |
Jacob Pitcher | Health & Human Development | 42 |
Mehakleen Kaur | Punjabi | 42 |
Richard Truong | General Mathematics | 42 |
Nate Hughan | Music Contemporary Performance | 42 |
Aidan O’Reilly | Psychology | 42 |
Oshanie Jayalath | Biology | 41 |
Lachlan Shepherd | Health & Human Development | 41 |
Meghal Hingu | Health & Human Development | 41 |
Leihlajnee Pierre | Health & Human Development | 41 |
Tareen Loku Weligamage | Health & Human Development | 41 |
Alexander Sanfilippo-Lago | Health & Human Development | 41 |
Ella Walker | VET Cookery | 41 |
Jing Zhao | Mathematical Methods | 41 |
Ella Walker | Psychology | 41 |
Saskia Kirby | Drama | 40 |
Oshanie Jayalath | Health & Human Development | 40 |
Niranjana Iyer | General Mathematics | 40 |
Nathaniel Olsson | General Mathematics | 40 |
Lachlan Shepherd | General Mathematics | 40 |
Athul Panicker | General Mathematics | 40 |
Sophie Hemus | VET Sport & Recreation | 40 |
We also had students achieve study scores of 45 & 43 in Health & Human Development, 40 in English and 40 in Mathematical Methods however these students opted not to have their names released publicly.
90+ ATAR
Congratulations to the following students who achieved an ATAR above 90 placing them in the top 10% of the state.
Kemuel Hutasoit | 99.15 |
Jing Zhao | 97.15 |
En Zie Lim | 95.95 |
Tanishq Madhwani | 95.75 |
Lachlan Shepherd | 95.45 |
Christie Buttigieg | 92.7 |
Athul Panicker | 92.7 |
Marina Chowdhury | 91.7 |
Meghal Hingu | 91.65 |
Lorinda McAliece | 91.65 |
Anirudhan Rengasamy | 91.5 |
Saif Qureshi | 91.4 |
Sayumi Hettiarachchi | 91.15 |
Oshanie Jayalath | 91.05 |
** ATARs of 96.65, 94.4, 92.85, 92.4 and 91.55 were achieved by students who opted not to have their names released publicly.
80+ ATAR
Congratulations to the following students who achieved an ATAR above 80 placing them in the top 20% of the state.
Abbas Ahmadi | Nicholas Brain |
Angelina Maricic | Nikita Anand |
Anshu Patel | Oscar Wright |
Brandon Wong | Paranjay Khanduri |
Dinidu Mallikarachchi | Prachi Verma |
Diya Sudhir | Quan Le |
Ella Walker | Reim Mohamed |
Ella Symons | Richard Truong |
Faiza Ahmed | Saneli Dharmathilake |
Humayun Faisal | Saskia Kirby |
Jacob Pitcher | Sithum Mallika Kankanamalage |
Kulsoom Sherazee | Tara Quigley |
Lecheng Fu | Tareen Loku Weligamage |
Leihlajnee Pierre | Tianna Timmins |
Nate Hughan | Tiran Siriwardane |
Nathan Pryde | Yembarswamy Rengasamy |
VCE VM 80+
Congratulations to the following VCE VM students who averaged above 80% across their assessment tasks.
Arliah Cunningham |
Craig Fletcher |
Danielle Stumberger |
Farhad Nazari |
Jordan Johnston |
Liliana Sprague |
Lily Proto |
Nayt Douglas |
Neefisa Payan |
Paige Holmes |
Sanam Haider |
Sarah Petterson |
Sienna Cook |
Yiming Fang |
Some of our 80+ VCE VM students
Some of our 80+ VCE VM and 80+ ATAR students with Senior School Leaders at a celebratory morning tea after results release
Some of our 90+ ATAR students
Finally, I would like to say thank you to all the entire Kambrya College Community. Since stepping into the Acting Principal role this year, it’s taken my passion and pride for Kambrya College to a whole new level. I am very humble in knowing that I am privileged to lead, guide and work alongside a fantastic group of staff ranging from our Education Support Staff to our classroom teachers all of whom care about your kids and care about one another. The partnerships that I get to witness between the parent community and their children makes our college a fantastic place to be and everyone involved should be very proud.
I wish all of you a fantastic summer, and if you celebrate Christmas, then I wish you a very merry one. I also wish all of you a brilliant 2025.
Kind regards,
Martin McDonald
Acting Principal
Kambrya College