Year 7 celebrates Community Projects!

Charlotte Rawther
Year 7
This term the Year 7 students chose different community projects to raise money for charity and benefit the people of Brunswick.
So, what are these community projects?
A community project is an event that someone or a group of people organise to benefit their community, their friends and their peers. After 3 weeks spent planning and organizing our projects, we were finally able to present them to the cohort.
Out of the many options of community projects, we chose to hold a Mini Fair. We divided ourselves into groups of three to six [students], and designed different stalls in which the Year 7 students could participate. Some groups sold homemade treats, some sold handmade crafts, and some hosted mini games with prizes. I enjoyed walking around the stalls and being able to see what everyone had come up with.
One student said, ‘It was so much fun! I wish we could have one every year!’ The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement, and it was all a great success.
During the planning process, everyone learned many new skills.
We learned how to collaborate in a more efficient manner, key organisational skills and leadership skills. It also taught us how to be kinder, more cooperative and more responsible students.
The Mini Fair raised a total of $155.60. This money was donated to the Smith Family charity to help children in need.
In the end we were all very happy with the outcome of the day!
Toby Whyte
Year 7
This term in Home Group, the Year 7 students planned community projects. The projects were about serving and celebrating our community and providing a benefit with a real-life context.
Seven groups ran across the 2024 Year 7 Homegroups. Students got the chance to suggest project ideas, and then put in a preference for what project they wanted to be a part of.
We did these projects to engage with our community; to feel the rewards of contributing and to learn skills along the way.
Our projects had to involve us doing/sharing/making something, showing responsibility, using cooperation and being kind.
This is what we came up with:
- Sports clinics run for Grade 5 & 6 students at Brunswick Southwest Primary School
- 2025 Homegroup resources for next year’s Year 7s
- Production of a Mini-Fair for our End-of-Year 7 Celebration
- Story-writing
- Caring at the local Only About Children kindergarten/daycare
Here is more information and feedback about the Sports Clinics we ran at BSPS.