Indigenous Art Unveiling

Claudia Johnson
Assistant Principal
This term we had the pleasure of officially unveiling our recent Indigenous art installations. One piece has been generously donated to the school, while others were commissioned by the school using funds sourced from a grant.
Beginning with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, the event was attended by staff, students and special guests. A morning tea (inspired by indigenous food ) was provided by Food Studies staff, Olivia Cruse, Esta Ganci, Gillian Weaver and students - beautifully presented and tasting sensational! Head of Learning - Visual Arts & Design, Catherine Cowcher, provided an indigenous themed art display and table settings.
The First Nations artworks can be seen in the Science foyer and on external walls in the courtyard near the general office, the external wall of the library facing the hockey field, F block and outside H1.
Olivia Cruse
Food Coordinator
The BSC Food Studies team enjoyed the challenge of producing a morning tea menu for our guests at this event.
Together we sourced suitable ingredients and adapted recipes to produce some delicious offerings - you can read our menu by clicking on the gallery below.
Many thanks to Maisie Maguire (Year 11) and Emma Seligman (Year 9) who volunteered their assistance in providing this elegant menu to our guests. The students worked very hard and with great attention to detail, and their help was greatly appreciated!
We all really enjoyed the experience of using indigenous ingredients and were very happy with the results. Our guests thought it was delicious!