Wheelchair Basketball

Wendy Kenbeek
Teacher - Physical Education
On Tuesday 26th of November and Wednesday 27th of November all Year 7 students participated in a fantastic event with an inspirational speaker from Disability, Sport and Recreation Victoria followed by participating in a wheelchair basketball session. This event has been running for over 10 years at BSC.
Peter gave an inspirational talk to our students about his disability and how it has impacted on his life. More importantly, he talked about all the things he is still able to do and the importance of 'getting back up when you fall down'. Peter had polio when he was young whilst living in Africa. Het spoke in detail about his daily life growing up, and how he had to get up at 4am to crawl to school for 3 hours each day as there were no wheelchairs or crutches in his village.
After Peter's engaging talk, all students had a chance to try wheelchair basketball during one of their periods that day. Overall, the students loved having the experience of playing the game as well has enjoying Peter's motivational speech.
Bessie Pringle
[This session] showed us how well we have life and how lucky and privileged we are. It also gave me a new sense of how other people feel and what [they may be] going through.
Abel Crossley-Wise
I found Peter inspiring. It made me realise that I am good enough and I shouldn't compare myself to others.
Lyla Russell
[Peter's talk] really made me think different about myself. It was really inspiring. It's good to be yourself, and Peter said that being yourself makes you a stronger person.
Orson Cummins
Playing wheelchair basketball encourages you to step out of your comfort zone by making you do something that you're not necessarily good at, but end up really enjoying.
Zoe Hudson
This was a good [learning] experience because we got to experience sport from a different point of view, and it expanded our knowledge of sports and how people of different abilities can play.