Wellbeing & Engagement
Today is a great day to be you!
Wellbeing & Engagement
Today is a great day to be you!
It has been a long and busy term for staff and students, so we are trying to slow the pace next week by offering some wellbeing-related activities for classes to participate in, if they choose to do so.
The week will begin on Monday with our Student Leaders Fundraiser - a gold coin donation to dress up in the GEM Colours (Orange, Green or Purple). In addition, student leaders will be selling icy-poles for $1 each during B1 and possibly B2. We would love to see all students get involved with this day and ensure our leaders can raise enough funds to go towards a wonderful legacy project for the school!
Following the dress up day, students may participate in a range of other activities. Please see flyers below for more information.
We are so close to welcoming our new 2025 Foundation students to the school, and we had a fantastic event last night to help families with the transition process. The annual Foundation Expo Evening provided new parents and carers with a taste of what's to come - from packing a school bag, to wellbeing approaches, academics, teaching models, and so much more... thank you to all our staff who planned, organised and attended the event to help our new families prepare for 2025.
Our final Foundation transition session will take place next Wednesday 4th December.
We have seen an increasing occurrence lately of adult visitors using the student toilet blocks (junior and senior) during school hours. We understand these have been parents/carers of students at our school, however between the hours of 8:45am and 3:45pm, adults are not permitted in the school toilets. These toilets are solely for our students and this rule needs to be respected for their privacy and safety.
Please encourage your children to speak to their teacher if they see an adult in the toilet blocks.
If you are a visitor to the school and you are in desperate need of using the facilities, please go to the main office area.
Liam Sommers
Assistant Principal
Wellbeing and Engagement