School Saving Bonus
The Department of Education has sent an email this week to the family for each child enrolled at EHPS for 2025 with the code to access the School Saving Bonus portal.
Families allocate their child's $400 School Saving Bonus for 2025 school expenses in the portal:
- In-store purchase for:
- Uniform from our uniform supplier, Spartan School World.
- Online purchase:
- Uniform from State Schools’ Relief.
- School Activities:
- Excursions/Incursions (all year levels)
- Swimming program (all year levels)
- Camps (students in Year 3/4, 5 and 6)
Compass event notices for exursions/incursions/activities will include a note if SSB can be used in payment. If families want to use their SSB to pay for any school activities (e.g. excursions/incursions, swimming program, camp), they must contact Barbara McCann (our Business Manager) or Cassy Patience in the School Office to confirm this.
Any SSB funds that remains unallocated at 30 June 2025 will be transferred into the family school account to be applied to excursions/incursions, swimming programs, camps that occur after this date until the funds are used.
The School Saving Bonus is intended for use for compulsory 2025 school expenses, and therefore cannot be used for the annual parent contribution (includes all books/stationery/computer requirements), or optional/opt-in activities or services such as Canteen lunch orders or Instrumental Music Program lessons.
Guidance for families:
- Video – refer to this video for guidance about the School Saving Bonus and how to access and allocate it. The Department of Education have advised that this video will be updated to include subtitles in other languages.
- School Saving Bonus website
- Receiving the School Saving Bonus website – includes SSB information accessible in other languages.
- Information for parents/carers.
- SSB system guide for parents and carers – how to use the SSB portal and allocate your $400.